Originally Posted by RosieC
Really cool... do they peck the flies off the cars. I remember years ago being in a carpark somewhere and a peacock and a peahen were going along the cars pecking all the splatted flies off the number plates of the cars.
No, they don't peck flies. These delapidated vehicles have been parked there for years and the only thing they accumulate is dust and peacock poop.
The peacocks owners live just behind our rented work shop space on a few scrappy acres of fenced property. They also have chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, geese and goats. There is a narrow ditch just behind the fence and most of the other birds congregate there or on our side of the fence. We can hear the goats but never see them. The birds make all kinds of noises and it sounds like a jungle.
Our property manager stays on site during the day and I think he feeds the birds. My husband used to feed them but stopped when the birds started coming inside his cabinet shop and leaving presents on the floor.