Originally Posted by camille1585
I wonder how much longer it would have taken you to notice that huge spike if you hadn't had some help from the butterfly!
In case you're interested, the butterfly is called a gulf fritillary butterfly, Agraulis vanillae. The caterpillars (orange with black spines) feed only on passion flower vines.
You know it's funny 'cause I usually notice the earliest onset of a spike (with the exception of oncidiums). I've been so concerned with nurturing the unhealthy root system on this plant that I didn't even think about spikes. This time it took the flapping wings of a butterfly to get my attention.
BTW the Vanda roots are making great headway.
I see Gulf Fritillaries and caterpillars all the time. There's a Passiflora Inscense growing on the other side of my yard.