I found this intimidating wasp-like bug on my large driftwood mount yesterday. He was about 1 1/2" long from the tip of his head to tip of his behind and he had a 1" spike/stinger looking thing protruding from his butt. He kept tapping the wood with his butt spike while pacing all over the wood. Can anyone I.D. this guy? Is he some type of mud dauber? Should I grab a can of bug spray?
Wow! Thank you. That's pretty fascinating...a bug with eggs and a drill bit.
LOL, I love your description! I have to say that this one looks particularily scary. Parasitiod wasps are fascinating. I studied them (ones that parasitize cabbage pests) quite a bit in the last year, and it's amazing how intelligent they are and how well they learn. They are extremely useful creatures.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
LOL, I love your description! I have to say that this one looks particularily scary. Parasitiod wasps are fascinating. I studied them (ones that parasitize cabbage pests) quite a bit in the last year, and it's amazing how intelligent they are and how well they learn. They are extremely useful creatures.
I call them as I see them. That bug looked like he/she had some sort of important agenda with all that butt tapping going on. I'd never seen a bug behave like that.