So our A/C was finally moved off of the patch of dirt on our patio this tuesday. :cheers: we are stoked!
Went off without a hitch- improving the airflow to my second floor bedroom has gotten really hairy though, but that's another story.
So now- we have a BONAFIDE PATCH OF DIRT!
What's left now is deciding what plants will be happy here.
Here's what we have to work with:

- The unplanted area is roughly 4'x4'
- There will be a lovely trellis in that back half that goes between the honeysuckles- it will be 4' across, and 18" wide.
- I got some serious exercise shoveling out the existing clay and the layer of obnoxious humongo river rocks that I found underneath.

--Clay and such has since been replaced with 1:1 compost:moisture control MiracleGro.
Now here's where things get pretty spicy.
Joys of Gardening in CO:
-This area of the patio gets southern sun from about 11am to 3pm.
--There will be dappled shade over part of it once the trellis is up.
-Unless it's stormy and windy, we have an umbrella up that shades most of the concrete of the patio and keeps temperatures down, but does not shade this area.
- Temperatures: Anywhere from 70-90*F during the day, sometimes in mid 90's in the sun.
Honestly, my mother and I are great gardeners, and do a good job of keeping things watered according to their needs.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, after that lovely essay, here are the flowers we've thought might work here.
Ox-eye daisies, and/or taller Zinnias in the back.
Zinnias Zinnias Zinnias.
No Marigolds- we are susceptible to slugs.
No 4-o'clocks- pets will have access to this.
Pinks! (Dianthus)
Ground covers-
sedum, ice plants, moss rose (portulaca), thyme, lamb's ears.
Oh my gosh. I make way too super long posts.
ENDING INQUIRY!!! Any plants to add/remove?
Any design ideas?