Yay almost summer!
A few of you may have heard that my mom and I are STOKED that we are finally getting our AC moved OFF of our little patch of dirt on our patio. Can't wait- it's happening JUNE 1st!
It's a very
precious patch of dirt, since we live in a townhouse and it's all we have to plant in besides planters.
The only picture I have of the space was taken the morning after our devastating microburst/hail storm last July. Heartbreaking.
Anyways, that gives you an idea of the space.
Reasoning behind having a tree: this area gets baked, so dappled shade from the trellis, and maybe the tree, is very helpful.
I. The AC will be gone, but the giant honeysuckle are still there, and we are getting a new BEAUTIFUL wood trellis made by a carpenter that will be the same dimensions as what is there.
II. Our soil is awful, very close to clay, but we will be able to work in a lot of compost and manure once the AC is moved.
III. We don't know how deep this dirt goes, I might be able to find out after June 1, when AC is moved.
A. Obviously, the tree needs to be small.
- Maximum height can't be more than 5 feet.
- Maximum spread shouldn't be more than 3 feet.
B. The root system needs to be compatible with a garden above it. We're good at being careful if it's shallow.
C. A slow-grower would be nice.
D. Flowers are nice, but not required.
E. Suckers are evil.
So, any ideas? You all are such a wealth of information!
Thank you so much and have a wonderful weekend!