Originally Posted by Izzie
Majoring in Nursing, minoring in music and psychology.
Cool. Took some psych classes recently. Helps a lot with life.
Originally Posted by Izzie
Ack! Sorry for the flashback!  Aren't you glad that part of your life is over?
No worries, I know you didn't intend for me to have those flashbacks. I'm for sure, very, very glad it's over!
Originally Posted by Izzie
I don't know, I just like discus, since it's so far in the future, haven't really invested in them- I've considered having a cichlid tank as well.
Cichilds can be very rewarding to own. But they're territorial. That's why Dwarf Cichlids are around!
Originally Posted by Izzie
Good article, pretty basic.
I apologize, once again, I had words mixed up. My brain needs dusting.
Not a problem.
Originally Posted by Izzie
Yes, BACTERIAL fin rot. It's the most persistent and destructive form of fin rot.
The most common is actually fungal fin rot, and while it hits hard and fast, is easily cured.
Bacterial gets resistant to antibiotics really quickly.
They best way I've found to knock it out is to put the fish in a hospital tank that you can raise the temperature in, use freshwater salt, and try an antibiotic like (oxy)tetracycline first since they're most effective, and if that fails, a different medicine.
Understood. Bacterial diseases can be tricky to deal with.
Originally Posted by Izzie
My guy was beyond saving though- The friend had him in a room that was too cold and did not follow my water change instructions (this was over a christmas break).
By the time I got back, there wasn't much to be done.
Originally Posted by Izzie
Thanks! Site's got lots of articles. Very informative.
Got it bookmarked.
Thanks again.