hehe - I had an aloe for years and never thought about it blooming til I saw a picture of one blooming lol and had the same sorta 'duh' reaction. So then - I was trying to find out how to get them to bloom - never could find info. All the care info doesn't address blooming.
So I moved them where they would get more sun than previously (had actually been growing quite shaded) Where they are now they get afternoon sun - don't know if it's for too long during the winter, but I guess it's been enough. I also started fertilizing them fairly regularly last year, and they probably get orchid fertilizer pretty frequently. Laid off the fertilizer over winter.
Whether or not the fertilizer made the difference or the plant has just matured and would have 'spiked' anyway - idk
It also looks like it could use a fairly bigger pot - but maybe it likes being cramped - again - I don't know if that has made a difference
Thanks for sharing in my excitement!