We live just across the border from Vancouver and have been up there a number of times for different events and just to see the sights. What a wonderful city and what a fine job they have done of hosting the Olympics! Even though I'm not Canadian I'm almost sorry they didn't beat us in the medal count, but they deserve a thousand thanks and anyone who has been there will undoubtedly agree.
Last edited by ronaldhanko; 02-25-2010 at 10:41 AM..
I agree,Bravo Vancouver.Having lived in Vancouver[my eldest son was born there],watching the games brought back a ton of good memories and one nagging question.Why the hell did I ever leave?I could be posting this from Saltspring Island!GO CANADA! Brad
I wish I could have been there. I love the Winter Olympics and this year was exciting. Our neighbors to the north sure knew how to make the whole world feel welcome. Congrats to all the athletes from every country.