Hi all,
I'm really hoping someone here can help me. I'm having some camera problems with my powershot canon A70 this cam is almost 4 years old now. It started with my viewfinder, I started to see lines run thur it, soon it would clear out, then I was able to take shots then load only to find these little lines appeared on the photo's.
It was only once in a while this would start and not matter what setting I chose it would sometimes be there and sometime not be there. Over the course of 10months it has gotten much worse .. I can no longer take pictures, these lines have turned into complete darkness thru the viewfinder. I thought (hoped) perhaps the pictures would turn out ok anyways .... But loading any of these dark photos remained DARK. I also added a new memory card. it didn't help either
I have changed my batteries a number of times, check the settings and everything on the menu I could think of and still black photos. One thing though, the photos I took before the complete black out on the memory card are fine.
I'm stumped and bummed -- I would so apreicate any idea's you guys might have or just to plain tell me ..... the camera is RIP!
Thanks alot everyone