This is some of the damage inflicted by the recent 2 week cold front in Central Florida. During this time the night time temps. dipped into the mid to upper 20's. Covering all my vegetation was an impossible task, but even those plants that were covered could not escape unscathed.
It saddens me to see my once thriving Passiflora looking like toast. Her thickest branches are still green so I'm hoping she makes a comeback. The bananas and plantain are complete history and will be replaced by a small vegetable garden this spring. Evidence indicates that my Australian Tree Fern will be loosing several fronds and the Bougainvillia has lost all but a few leaves. My biggest concern is for the recovery of my Avocado and Mango trees who are both sporting crispy brown leaves. The only orchid left outdoors was my palm tree mounted Trichoglottis Brachiata. She too was damaged in spite of being carefully wrapped in several layers of blankets.