The first 2 photos are 2 of the neato plants I got from Ecuagenera via my friend in Ohio.
Bear in mind, that these travelled from Ecuador to the USA, from show to show, then went home with my friend, got a drink, and were reboxed and sent to Florida from Ohio. They are still acclimating, just got potted up yesterday.
Both of these are considered very rare and I feel fortunate to have them.
Anthurium reflexinervium
Anthurium cutucuensis
This is an Anthurium luxurians I have had for a pretty long time, its planted into the floor of the greenhouse. But it has a "hitch hiker" plant in with it which I have not been able to identify. The luxurians are the "quilted" leaves, the NOID are the irregularly shaped pointed leaves. Anyone have any ideas???