Just a heads up!!
Hi everyone. Like many people I have a foreclosed home directly behind my house. If you do have one near your home please check it out (specially if it has a pool) for anything that could be dangerous. Once a home goes in foreclosure many times these properties go unchecked. Although the banks should secure the property they often don't. If it has a pool make sure the gates are pad locked Not just latched. Last night the neighbor next to me had there 2 year old sneak off and he drowned in the pool of that foreclosed home. This tragedy could have been prevented had I or another neighbor checked this house and called code enforcement to make them secure the gates and doors. I no way blame myself or others just wish I had thought of the danger that was so obvious. This made the local news but I thought that I would post it here so many people may be aware of this problem. Thanks for reading this and stay safe.