I understand where you are coming from, I used to be the same way with Heliconias. I collected them beyond all reason (for me) because many are huge growing and I didn't even have a greenhouse then.
Areca palms (aka Golden Cane Palms, Butterfly Palms) are really in the genus Dypsis, not Areca, but somehow they got the common name Areca Palm. They are a poor choice for interiorscape, because the require high light and do get very large and unmanageable indoors. These palms in the photos following are all small, understory palms, that love shade, some even DEEP SHADE, which make them perfect for interiorscape. Set in corners away from but still near to windows, they would really compliment any indoor orchid collection or other indoor plant collection. Most of these are MATURE at 2-4ft. The largest get to about 10 ft.
Chamaedorea ernestii-augustii
only 2 ft at maturity!! Perfect for house or small greenhouse culture.
Calyptrocalyx micholitzii
also perfect for in the house! Mature at only 2 ft!
Chamaedorea geonomiformis
solitary, very thin trunk develops over time. To about 4-5 ft. Perfect housepalm
Calyptrocalyx julianetii
very rare in collections, a beautiful small growing palm that loves shade!
Chamaedorea adscendens--Velvet Palm
mature at 2-3 ft
Chamaedorea metallica
from Mexico, loves DEEP SHADE, clusters, beautiful, only gets 2-3 ft tall
Chamaedorea pachystachys
LOVES SHADE, often has a lovely maroon coloration especially on newly emergent leaves
only gets to about 6 ft tall
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus
very rare in collections, likes shade, stays dwarf
Asterogyne martiniana
ultimately gets about 10 ft, but WORTH the space
beautiful undivided deeply notched leaves, mine is a baby, I have had it since March 2006. This was taken in Jan 07.
Pinanga species...many stay small (8-10 ft) and have beautiful leaves and seeds of unusual colors. I have several species but these are my prettiest. They love shade! Would do well in beautiful ceramic containers in filtered light in the house
Pinanga sp. "Thai Mottled" when I first got it
Pinanga sp. Blue Fruit when I first got it
And planted in the greenhouse after several months