We love palms to, but in the Chicago area they are house plants except for summer when go outside. We love all plants and have a nice collection. I'll show you some of our palms and other things. My favorate is the ponytail palm,and travelers tree and orthers. Then we have a lot of Dracaenas & Yucca's,a small collection of Agave's and Bromeliads and ferns, of co
urse 150+ orchids. Have a look. Jim. Oh and the two big birds in the dining room.
Last edited by jim blanford; 10-18-2007 at 07:18 PM..
I have a what was labelled as Chamaedorea which I bought when it was only about 5 inches tall and looked on its last legs. I've had for years but it seems to be a pretty slow grower, is that right? I suppose cats chewing on it doesn't help matters.
And a larger Kentia, or at least that's what it said on the tag. This one grows like a weed cats and all
I've got other things growing too and used to be into Cacti when I was younger.