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Old 08-01-2009, 01:57 AM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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Default smoke free - 3 days so far

Haven't had a cigarette since Tuesday night (except for one slip)...going nuts...just a little but no intentions of turning back...I hope. I keep reading that the desire to light up will always remain, long after the addiction is no more. That scares me because (right now) the desire to smoke feels stronger than the desire to quit but I'm trusting that it won't always feel this way. I'm hoping/praying the urge will soon be controlled and outweighed by my having overcome the addiction. I've just got to believe that I'm not going to feel so vulnerable to tobacco in the near future and if I do, I've lost the battle. All the reasons to stop are the obvious...there's nothing good about it but, I really enjoyed smoking. Why?..I haven't a clue and what a lousy feeling, getting off these!

Any ex-smokers out there who kicked this awful addiction? I'd love to hear how quitting went for you, how long it took to feel normal again and if you had any help. I'm starting the patch tomorrow, have been using the Nicoret gum which is helping....but maybe the patch is better? If I could only sleep for about 2 weeks straight and then wake up a non smoker....ahhh, that's it!

Last edited by Sandy4453; 08-01-2009 at 02:00 AM..
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Old 08-01-2009, 02:11 AM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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Congratulations on your 3rd day!!!!
Maybe on day 10 you should really treat yourself with a nice blooming'll have earned it!
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Old 08-01-2009, 02:32 AM
Narnia Narnia is offline
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3 days is an excellent start. I'm pretty young, but I still managed to smoke for 12 years before my S.O. got me to quit. He didn't really push it, but the look I got every time I'd light up was such that I couldn't bear the shame. In the end it was easy. I think you just have to be done with it in your head. Say, "no more" and that's that. I won't lie, every now and then if I'm at the bar and have had a couple drinks and someone else has a cigarette, it makes me want one sooooo bad, but it passes. It's a been a year now and I rarely think of it and on the rare occasion I try and have a drag off of someone's, it's not nearly as good as I remember it.

Edit: I should also mention that it took me about 5 real tries over a few years before it actually stuck. If you fail once, don't give up.
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Old 08-01-2009, 02:49 AM
quietmorning quietmorning is offline
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Sandy, I'm right there with you, I'm day six right now.

I found that the craving actually only takes a few minutes to get past, if I can wait it out. It's the iritability that's the pits, but that passes in a few weeks. (I've quit before.) and it will be less and less every day. The big test is getting through something stressful and absolutely refusing despite the stress to pic up a cig will show you that you CAN deal with the stress w/o one of those ashtray tasting things.

That and you won't kill your orchids, or make them sick.

When I get my first fragrant orchid, I want to be able to smell it. . .**nods**.

Hang in there - the tough spots are 3 days, 7 days, two weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and six months - each tough spot only lasts a couple of hours or a couple of days.

I've learned that smoking is like any addiction - it only takes ONE to bring you back into the addiction full force, so no matter what you do, don't smoke that first one. . .

I promised myself one orchid for every month I go without smoking. (For the rest of my life, of course.)

I can't wait to keep my promise! (Of course, I kicked it off with buying two, jus' 'cause.) **wink**
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Old 08-01-2009, 02:53 AM
Narnia Narnia is offline
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Originally Posted by quietmorning View Post
Sandy, I'm right there with you, I'm day six right now.

I found that the craving actually only takes a few minutes to get past, if I can wait it out. It's the iritability that's the pits, but that passes in a few weeks. (I've quit before.) and it will be less and less every day. The big test is getting through something stressful and absolutely refusing despite the stress to pic up a cig will show you that you CAN deal with the stress w/o one of those ashtray tasting things.

That and you won't kill your orchids, or make them sick.

When I get my first fragrant orchid, I want to be able to smell it. . .**nods**.

Hang in there - the tough spots are 3 days, 7 days, two weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and six months - each tough spot only lasts a couple of hours or a couple of days.

I've learned that smoking is like any addiction - it only takes ONE to bring you back into the addiction full force, so no matter what you do, don't smoke that first one. . .

I promised myself one orchid for every month I go without smoking. (For the rest of my life, of course.)

I can't wait to keep my promise! (Of course, I kicked it off with buying two, jus' 'cause.) **wink**

I wonder if I can justify this one orchid for every month I've been smoke free retroactively . Oh wait, I've already done that plus some. Shoot!
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Old 08-01-2009, 03:38 AM
bellini girl bellini girl is offline
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Sandy, don't give up. I "threatened" to quit many a time before I got it right. First day was the hardest, but it got easier. I quit cold turkey..with me it's usually all or nothing...One suggestion if I may.. start a simple exercise routine like walking. I'm still battling my tummy bulge which I'm convinced got larger once I stopped. We're behind you all the way. Good luck
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Old 08-01-2009, 07:41 AM
angeleyedcat angeleyedcat is offline

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Each DAY deserves a congrats! You have to find your own way, it's a very personal thing. It's been 4 1/2 years for me. I smoked for 30 years. A necessary operation required I quit because of asthmatic bronchitis. No choice, no cheating. I used the gum and each day was hard but it worked! No cigs since the quit day but I do have problems with stress and going on and off gum. My addiction wasn't a perfect simple ending, it has been more like a road trip but I have also learned many good things about me. Everyone is different. Maybe try starting another hobby. Researching to learn about something new is definately a good time killer and mind occupier. Try changing your habits as much as you can. In other words try to get rid of triggers. Exercise of any kind is a great help and as your lungs clear you'll feel better. Stuff will taste better too Try to focus on the good changes (wow, that flower does have a scent!) the list will get much longer, not on bad (I want...) Keep trying to think good thoughts, this has to come from your strength within, it has to be wanted. You are in my prayers!

Last edited by angeleyedcat; 08-01-2009 at 07:48 AM..
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Old 08-01-2009, 09:51 AM
Beverly Beverly is offline
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Hi Sandy,
I quit smoking 3/13/98 after smoking for about 20 years. I was smoking nearly 3 packs a day when I quit. I quit cold turkey and thought I was going to loose my mind. The first 2 weeks were the hardest. I wanted, really wanted to kill someone who exhaled smoke in my face while walking into the store I was leaving.
Your scense of smell will get better. I found that burning a really good lavender incence helped mask the smell of nicotine smoke and calmed me down too.
It will get easier and it's so worth the effort.
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Old 08-01-2009, 10:16 AM
harrywitmore harrywitmore is offline
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smoke free - 3 days so far Male

I quit smoking in 1987. Threw all in the trash and never looked back. I had smoked since I was 15 so that made it about 20 years before I quit. I'm lucky I guess since I never think about smoking and have not touched one since the day I quit. It can be done if you get your mind right. Now, beer is a different story
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Old 08-01-2009, 10:22 AM
playtime8978 playtime8978 is offline
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Originally Posted by quietmorning View Post

Hang in there - the tough spots are 3 days, 7 days, two weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and six months - each tough spot only lasts a couple of hours or a couple of days.

That is fascinating! I recently quit and was doing really well the patches worked a dream I wasnt irratable desire to smoke only lasted a minute or so and then I was fine, my husband was still smoking but it didnt bother me, until I hit 6 weeks i hadnt had one cigarettte in six weeks then bang I couldnt control the desire to smoke I was not overly stressed and nothing had changed and then I gave in and smoked id promised myself just one or two then as we all know I am back to smoking a lot a day, I couldnt understand why I had such major cravings and why they didnt go away like the other days all I assumed was that the initial dedication had passed. My advice now is to plan for these times and work out what you will do whether its buy a lovely scentyed orchid ( my scent of smeel and taste improved dramatically) or go for a weekend away, anything that will keep you distracted from cigarettes. I willl try again as I know if I can last 6 weeks I can do it, I just let the demons get the better of me.
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