Originally Posted by camille1585
This is what gets to me. An estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people die worldwide every year from the commun flu, and 3 to 5 million get infected. About 30,000 americans die every year. Do we ever hear about that? And the media are having the time of their lives spreading panic. A few years ago they were annoncing the imminent end of the world because of bird flu. Not to minimize the gravity of the swine flu or anything, but still.
OK, just a few words from my side... Indeed, a lot of people die every year due to "regular" influenza virus, as well as due to many many other reasons, and most people do not even have heard about it... Nothing to discuss about it!!
However, the problem with the new strain of influenza, (which combines the genome of Avian, swine and human Influenza virus), is alarming due to its aggressiveness, which is stronger than "regular" influenza virus. Most people who dies due to regular influenza are elderly people, kids and people with very weak inmune systems. Swine influenza on the other hand has killed young, "healthy" and strong people, and this quicker than regular viruses... This is a fact we cannot neglect.
Unfortunatelly, it seems that this new strain has "learned" to jump from human to human, and due to the high traffic between countries, the risk of a pandemia is very high now. Most people blame countries for not having closed teh borders on time or yet at all... hhmm... at a first look, a logical reaction. However, the spread of the virus was faster than expected and at this point closing the borders will nothelp at all anymore... the virus is already in all continents! Authorities are doing their best to content the spread of the virus (and this way a real Pandemia!), and therefore is very important that everybody is aware of the risk and their responsibility at this moment. One of the most important recommendations so far, is limiting travels as much as possible. Then, and I would say as important as the other, is hygiene (guys, wahs your hands as much and often as possible! sounds silly, but it's a great help - and not only against swine flu)
Next step, as soon as you have flu symtoms (which are slightly different than regular cold!) you should go to the doctor.
Tamiflu has proven to be a good medicine, however the therapy must be started within 48h since the beginning of the symptoms, otherwise the effect is strongly reduced.
I know there is much misinformation around there, regarding the risks of this influenza strain, but there is also a lot misinformation trying to make it sounds less important than what it is!!
Some of you here in OB knows already where I work: Since the beginning of this week, we are receiving daily updates on the status of this influenza outbreak, and the company is working closely with WHO. The whole situation is still "under control" but it does not mean it is not serious. My recommendation: Don't panic! Be alert and follow the WHO recommendations! and keep you informed.
Yes, I know many people out there say Roche is only trying to sell Tamiflu. I can only add, that I have no particular interest in the sales of this product, and I really do not wish that any of you would ever need at any time any of the products I work with (Oncology!). My advice here is made as a member of OB (which luckily have some "first hand" information)