Yay Dorothy!

I hope everything works out for you! I had posted a message a day or two ago, but for some reason it never appeared... OB is doing this more and more often to me!
Back in my first year of horticulture college, my dream job was to work in a nursery or garden center. But after a few internships in nurseries I decided that it was not for me.
Greenhouse work is hard, repetitive, and the long hours (in the busy spring days we worked from 8:30am to 11pm getting orders ready) were just a killer.
I worked 3 months in a garden center last spring. Working there was very fun, it's super interesting, and I loved giving people advice about plants. I think you'll love the job Dorothy!!

After they discovered my orchid addiction, they stuck me in the hothouse to advise people on their orchids. Now THAT was heaven!!

You won't believe some of the things people do to their orchids....
The only thing I hated about it (and that all the employees don't like) is that in France this is a job where you are stuck at minimum wage all your life, despite the responsabilities, the long work hours, and the weekends spent working. That's not very motivating.