My thing is that now that spring is here, the position of the sun is changing faster than I can move things around. I'm constantly trying to figure out who goes where and I'm totally confused with my ever evolving set-up.

It takes me a couple weeks to get them all situated. Meanwhile some of my chids get in a snit when I've forgotten them for a few days. Oh yeah, it isn't pretty!

Also, I'm going orchid buying crazy again. Every spring! I have some coming next week and doesn't my favorite orchid greenhouse (1 1/2 hour drive from me) decide to have a spring sale next week!!!!!! Oh the irony!

Now here's a math problem for you. If you still have checks in your checkbook, doesn't that mean that you still have money in the checking account? Isn't that how it works??????

I'm a happy camper, honestly! Spring means new orchids! It doesn't get much better than this!