Yeah, my vent is regarding self absorbed inconsiderate people too! And this darn wind!
-The Library... I no longer go there to study, but you sure can overhear some interesting phone conversations. People will talk about anything... I heard a girl (maybe 18-20) loudly discussing her sex life! It was a very *ahem* diverse one!

But I sure do wish the librarians at our campus library would enforce the rules.
-Disrespectful kids... It's no wonder everyone tells me my kid is so well behaved. All other children are demons! As I was driving home yesterday, two high school girls were walking down the middle of the road and there was not room for me to pass them on either side (I guess the sidewalk isn't "cool" to use anymore). Anyhow, they see me and acknowledge. One girl scampers to the curb, the other slows to a crawling pace and gives me the attitude stare. I had to just sit there as she literally took 2 inch steps as she made her way out of the street.... so bad me, as soon as there was enough room to squeeze past her I reved the engine hard, then pulled around her. You should have seen her jump!!

The look on her face was priceless, and I'll bet she thinks twice before pulling that little stunt again!
-The wind... gag me! I like a breeze and all, but this is the kind of wind that makes you have to white knuckle the steering wheel on the freeway! Plus, it's stirring up all kinds of dust, pollen, and the like so my allergies are in overdrive.... And it's been going on for 3 days now... and is forecasted to continue.
Oh... and i feel much better now

Making my way back to OB after a hectic week helps