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Izzie 06-16-2010 12:49 PM

Okay. I need a good healthy rant.
Long story short.
5yo established honeysuckle bushes on our patio have been waiting two months for a new arbor to climb on, and we keep getting set back at every turn.
I keep cutting them back- this spring was the first time I've ever completely chopped them back, and was so relieved to see them really come back strong- but now I keep having to chop them so that they don't fall all over themselves without an arbor. :( I feel like such an awful person.

Besides that, the rest of our garden is flourishing, and at least the honeysuckle keep trucking along- they're even flowering, which I didn't expect after being chopped back.

Kath 06-17-2010 08:13 AM

I keep cutting them back- this spring was the first time I've ever completely chopped them back, and was so relieved to see them really come back strong- but now I keep having to chop them so that they don't fall all over themselves without an arbor. :( I feel like such an awful person.

... Which only goes to show, a good chop at a honeysuckle, and they come back to thank you! Roses are the same. Don't feel like an awful person! Also the very cold winter weather may have helped as well:)

Izzie 06-17-2010 12:28 PM

:) Thanks Kath.
Problem now, is that whether we have someone make an arbor, or if we order one online, these guys won't get any support for 2-4 wks still. :X So I keep cutting back any straggly vines. It's getting bushy though!
I'm sure they're glaring at me whenever I walk by.
Some of the biggest leaves I've ever seen on them this year!

thakshila smith 06-22-2010 05:29 AM

Now I am shifted to a new home. As you know I grow them out side hang on mango trees .Now I am thinking how to deliver them to my new home.
As I feed them lightly weekly and the chids are fairly big.
Ones I was blessed with two large flowers spikes. Those are dens. Or my poor, but great pals.
Roots looks like noodles.
2. I created or invented one method.
I planted some big timber pols and tie up some orchids on them .They are working well. ( I am not rich enough to make a orchid house.) . I have seen once,uncle of mine planted 6 foot tall concrete poles and fit vandas on them and getting spikes too.
3. Beverly , You can put on gloves and search inside the toilet .'
Once my wedding ring fell in.

thakshila smith 08-14-2010 12:43 PM

This topic is started by beloved Dorothy .Isn't it?
Now what happened to you my friend? I didn't visit Orchidboard regularly .therefor I didn't know?
I feel very sorry.

Hedge 11-15-2010 03:34 PM

Does anyone else get annoyed by over attentive shop assistants who ak you as soon as you walk in the door "Are you OK, Do you need any help?" before you have even managed to find your bearings and start to browse the goods for yourself? We got asked four times in as many moments in a well known electrical store the other day, by floor walkers who obviously weren't keeping track of which customers had been asked, and my husband made a comment to me about it which one of them overheard and then repeated to the manager. There was an exchange of words and then we were finally left alone, but by then it was too late. We departed and we will never shop there again.

It seems that you can no longer try and make your own mind up about what you want to buy without someone having to explain it to you. Nor can you be trusted to understand what you are looking at. Of course, if these floor vultures were not paid on a sales percentage basis, without which portion their wages are untenable, they would wait until the customer asked for help.

They often try to get you buy things you don't want because of the stores promotions, as happened with my sister in the same company where they kept on quoting for a different brand to the one she wanted because that was the one they were pushing that week.

Perhaps they are afraid that the average punter is so stupid they will be put off by the information overload and leave without buying.


kiki-do 11-15-2010 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Hedge (Post 359610)
Does anyone else get annoyed by over attentive shop assistants who ak you as soon as you walk in the door "Are you OK, Do you need any help?" before you have even managed to find your bearings and start to browse the goods for yourself? We got asked four times in as many moments in a well known electrical store the other day, by floor walkers who obviously weren't keeping track of which customers had been asked, and my husband made a comment to me about it which one of them overheard and then repeated to the manager. There was an exchange of words and then we were finally left alone, but by then it was too late. We departed and we will never shop there again.

It seems that you can no longer try and make your own mind up about what you want to buy without someone having to explain it to you. Nor can you be trusted to understand what you are looking at. Of course, if these floor vultures were not paid on a sales percentage basis, without which portion their wages are untenable, they would wait until the customer asked for help.

They often try to get you buy things you don't want because of the stores promotions, as happened with my sister in the same company where they kept on quoting for a different brand to the one she wanted because that was the one they were pushing that week.

Perhaps they are afraid that the average punter is so stupid they will be put off by the information overload and leave without buying.


Hedge I know exactly what you mean, and it's a huge irritation to me also. :roll: One thing especially, my husband and I like to do is check out the new vehicles every spring and the salespeople practically jump into your car as you drive slowly through the car dealerships parking lots. About every row a new salesperson comes out and tries to get you to stop and give you information. Even when you tell them you just want to look, they can't accept that. Like your fair game. We go on Sundays now because dealerships are closed on Sundays...thank goodness. But it's the same with furniture stores, shoe stores, etc. Makes me mad :fight

Connie Star 11-15-2010 09:55 PM

Or when you are in a chain store that sells a number of different type of items, and there are 3-4 sales people standing around and when you ask one a question, it is always someone else's department, even though they are standing right by the product you are interested in.

Kath 11-16-2010 03:05 AM

Unfortunately, these salespersons are working against their own interests. The more they hassle the punters, the more people will end up buying on internet, and by so doing, they may well find that shops close down. ok, so people can't buy a new car on internet, but books, and everyday items, which will come from China, or other 'exotic' lands. We are causing our own loss...

camille1585 11-16-2010 03:19 AM

Me too, can't stand being jumped on as soon as I walk into a store. If I want help, I'll ask for it, so they need to back off until then! Just last week I was shopping for some clothes, and in one store the saleslady was being overly insistent, asking my size and searching for it herself (I can do it myself, thanks!) and all but followed me into the dressing room, then pounced on me as soon as I was done trying things on. There was a shirt that I would have bought, but by then I was so thoroughly pissed off at the lady that I walked out without buying a thing. And that's just one example among many many others. So I prefer to go shopping on a busy day (saturday afternoon for example) in busy stores, so that I will be left alone!

Triffid 11-16-2010 05:43 AM

Regards previous posts
You know I have worked in shops like that, and I can guarantee that "most" shop assistants don't really want to hassle the customers.... Blame the Big-Wigs at Head Office, it's nearly always their Idea for their staff to jump on customers when you walk in the shop.
The Store I worked in wasn't that bad and also took Head Office advice with a pinch of Salt so we just used to smile and say "Need any help, just grab one of us." and leave it at that. (We usually had a tone of other things that needed to be dealt with anyway)

Didn't matter to Head Office how many staff members told them that Customers didn't like being Harassed by staff.

We would actually get "Marked Down" like Naughty School Children, if the mystery shopper :evil: caught us not using the Script that HO had devised.

Trust me shop staff most of the time can't win. Don't hassle customers and their bosses get crabby, do hassle customers and the customers get the same way.

What ever happened to the old style shops where you could browse at leisure!?

Gin 11-16-2010 09:53 AM

Or go into a huge building supply store with rows of stuff and look for a salesperson to ask what row something is in and they are all MIA ..

shadytrake 04-16-2011 02:43 PM

OMG - I HATE AT&T's crappy DSL modems!!!

I finally got my DSL service back after 3 trips from the service people to go up the pole to repair the box that gets ripped open by the squirrels EVERY spring only to have the stupid DSL modem fry.

This is the 2nd one I have replaced. I went online to find out that they no longer sell this model because it was a total piece of crap.

Luckily I found a great review help site that recommended the universal DSL modem from Actiontec (GT701D). Found one at my local Best Buy, brought it home, hooked it up and after a quick call to Actiontec for the special Mac settings, I'm up and running!!! FINALLY after 3 weeks of back and forth crap. YAY!

Just had to vent!

Subrosa 04-01-2014 09:07 AM

Ok I'm really pissed! I've had a Rosemary plant that I planted right after I moved into my current house in 2007. It was rated as zone 8 hardy, but I've never had varieties rated for zone 6 come back after a winter, and this was supposed to be a particularly flavorful one (It was), so I figured "what the heck". Well by blind luck I put it in a spot where it actually survived a winter and came back in the spring! It managed to repeat this feat (without protection) every year, growing into a bush 5' wide and 3' tall. I never saw a Rosemary bush anywhere near as big except while vacationing on The Outer Banks. Until this year. It is TOAST. Oh well, at least it will make the neighborhood smell nice when I burn it............

RosieC 04-01-2014 12:14 PM

Did you have the really hard winter where you are :(

Subrosa 04-01-2014 12:31 PM

Yes we did. A couple stretches of over a week with highs in the 20s (F) and lows in the low single digits. We had one stretch like that last winter and the plant didn't miss a beat, but this winter was too much for it.

RosieC 04-02-2014 04:02 AM

That sucks :(

Don't know if these can grow up from the ground if they get frosted off (mine have never had cold that bad).

I'm only thinking of my 'hardy' fushia, which in a mild winter like the one we've just had just grows back from the old growth, but in a hard winter all the existing growth dies off and I prune right back to the ground, but new growth comes up from the roots each year.

Subrosa 04-02-2014 06:39 AM

I'm just going to cut everything off at ground level and see what happens. By June if nothing regrows I'll put something else in the spot.

Suri85 12-15-2014 03:36 AM

Not a major tantrum but still...

In August (I think), Indonesia central bank made an announcement that starting January 1st 2015, all credit card transactions in Indonesia must be authorized by PIN numbers. Naturally, I waited several months for the banks to send new credit cards PINs, but until early December, only of them have sent new PINs.

This was problematic for me because I have 12 credit cards from various banks which I use for work purposes. So for several days, I basically turned my desk upside down looking for the old PIN slips, calling banks to ask for new PINs, scouring the area around my office and apartment to find each banks' ATM machines to change the default PINs...

When I only had one card to go... The Central bank made an announcement that they postponed the decision until 2020!!!!


RJSquirrel 12-15-2014 04:03 AM


I dont know if its a tantrum but its upsetting to say the least and should be upsetting to everyone.
Chinese manipulating their money again by 'pegging'. Just a big sigh from me on why they feel they have to do this. Its got some attention again as they buy up US debt using yuan to purchase USD. Printing more chinese currency to pay for it. Its very disturbing to say the least. Tantric I dont know but disturbing yes.

King_of_orchid_growing:) 12-15-2014 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by RJSquirrel (Post 721035)

I dont know if its a tantrum but its upsetting to say the least and should be upsetting to everyone.
Chinese manipulating their money again by 'pegging'. Just a big sigh from me on why they feel they have to do this. Its got some attention again as they buy up US debt using yuan to purchase USD. Printing more chinese currency to pay for it. Its very disturbing to say the least. Tantric I dont know but disturbing yes.

I'm not saying that the Chinese government is being ethical by me posting this, but you did ask, (granted in a rhetorical manner)… And I am playing devil's advocate here.

Perhaps the Chinese government never forgot nor forgave certain Western nations for trying to weaken their national power by creating a country full of opium addicts, and when the Chinese fought back and lost the Opium Wars, certain Western nations, (the U.S. was one of those nations), took the opportunity to carve up their country and made sections of the nation into their own little properties.

China didn't become a complete sovereign nation again until the British relinquished Hong Kong back to China back in the mid to late 80's.

You know that movie with Jet Li in it called "Fearless"? That movie had some basis on a real life martial artist in China, named Huo Yuanjia, during the time when China was carved up into sections. China experienced racism in their own homeland from foreigners, and that was real.

There's a lot they can be pissed about, just sayin'.

Of course, if the above isn't it, then maybe the Chinese government just saw a good business opportunity they couldn't pass up. Just like how corporate America saw big business opportunities in China, (in particular, oh, McDonald's comes to mind). We all know full well what this kind of eating habit is doing to the US.

Just for the record, fast food chains going into China is going to destroy that nation's health care system and economy in the long run, and nobody's crying wolf over this.

Like I said, just showing the other side of the coin. It is bothersome. But hey, after all that I mentioned, is it any surprise that the US is getting a kick in the groin? Knowing a little bit about history, I'm not terribly surprised.

I'm not expecting this post to be popular with anybody, but like I said, "the other side of the coin" looks pretty dark doesn't it?

Subrosa 12-15-2014 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:) (Post 721045)
I'm not saying that the Chinese government is being ethical by me posting this, but you did ask, (granted in a rhetorical manner)… And I am playing devil's advocate here.

Perhaps the Chinese government never forgot nor forgave certain Western nations for trying to weaken their national power by creating a country full of opium addicts, and when the Chinese fought back and lost the Opium Wars, certain Western nations, (the U.S. was one of those nations), took the opportunity to carve up their country and made sections of the nation into their own little properties.

China didn't become a complete sovereign nation again until the British relinquished Hong Kong back to China back in the mid to late 80's.

There's a lot they can be pissed about, just sayin'.

Of course, if the above isn't it, then maybe the Chinese government just saw a good business opportunity they couldn't pass up.

Like I said, just showing the other side of the coin. It is bothersome. But hey, after all that I mentioned, is it any surprise that the US is getting a kick in the groin?

Once a fight has started, who started it is a matter for lawyers and judges. The actual partipants are best served by winning the fight. Sadly those who craft our foreign policy no longer understand this.

King_of_orchid_growing:) 12-15-2014 10:07 AM

Might does not necessarily always make right. That was what started this mess to begin with.

Although it is true; this matter has gone beyond diplomacy.

If someone pokes someone in the eye, the reaction is to floor them. It's a vicious cycle.

You're talking about China - a country that has been around since over 2,000 B.C. and was an empire in Asia in its golden days.

And then you have the United States - a 200+ year old country that is still somewhat of an empire, but not as much as it was a few decades ago, but has been a world power-player for the last 100+ years.

And then, fill in the blanks with all the whatever you have in the history books. There's a heaping ton of pride going on in both party's houses. It's not going to be pretty.

It'll only end when both parties put their fists down. I realistically don't know when that'll ever happen. A pissing match between two powerful nations, to me, is a tragedy.

Leafmite 12-15-2014 11:12 AM

I think the US government really needs to overhaul its foreign relations policies and attempt to work with other countries more, to talk to them and understand their culture, history and the why. Technology has made the world small and working together is the best way to make it a good, happy place. It is much better to be in a small place with friends than with enemies. And, we could accomplish so much if we worked together!

---------- Post added at 11:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 AM ----------


Originally Posted by Subrosa (Post 668652)
Yes we did. A couple stretches of over a week with highs in the 20s (F) and lows in the low single digits. We had one stretch like that last winter and the plant didn't miss a beat, but this winter was too much for it.

We have been having pretty mild winters. Even when we have had colder temperatures, they did not stay for very long. The winter of 2013-2014 was not my favorite. I lost a bunch of herbs that I had planted 20 years ago, along with my roses. The peach tree, thankfully, bounced back but, of course, no peaches. I kept hoping some of the 'lost' herbs would reappear (seed, from root) but it looks as if I will have to put in an order spring of 2015 with Companion Plants. :|

Subrosa 12-15-2014 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:) (Post 721065)
Might does not necessarily always make right. That was what started this mess to begin with.

Although it is true; this matter has gone beyond diplomacy.

If someone pokes someone in the eye, the reaction is to floor them. It's a vicious cycle.

You're talking about China - a country that has been around since over 2,000 B.C. and was an empire in Asia in its golden days.

And then you have the United States - a 200+ year old country that is still somewhat of an empire, but not as much as it was a few decades ago, but has been a world power-player for the last 100+ years.

And then, fill in the blanks with all the whatever you have in the history books. There's a heaping ton of pride going on in both party's houses. It's not going to be pretty.

It'll only end when both parties put their fists down. I realistically don't know when that'll ever happen. A pissing match between two powerful nations, to me, is a tragedy.

Might in and of itself never makes right. However history has shown that it does make the world a generally more peaceful place. In all of recorded history, the periods which saw the least international strife were invariably the times when one country was powerful enough to dictate terms to the rest of the world. See "Pax Romana" and "Pax Brittanica". Personally I'd rather not see China in that position.

Stray59 12-25-2019 11:35 PM

Hey everyone!
It looks like it has been a while since this thread has been added to, but I need to tantrum a while......
I look at the rainforests being decimated by illegal (or at least illicit) logging and slash-and-burn for farming land and I can't decide - cry or scream???
I know this is REALLY selfish, but I wonder the amount of undiscovered orchids that are now gone forever, after having taken million of years to evolve into their present (now past) form.....and I have to admit - I wonder how many I would have had success with in my home.
This is not a political post and I do not wish to start such, but it is something that will affect everyone of us, regardless of our political or apolitical beliefs. What if one of those orc's or another plant or animal could cure AIDS, cure cancer, relieve the suffering of depression once and for all? Or what if they were totally useless for medical needs, but just ornamental and now will never give someone that thrill-chill that I have had when I find an unknown, but intriguing bloom?
My father once blasted me for expressing such a sentiment (this was in the '80's); he stated that if it came between a pretty plant and feeding his family he would choose the food source every time. I can relate to what he was saying, but I would give a good fee to someone for leading me on a tour of such areas to see those "pretty plants". Eco-tourism has proven to provide a sustainable way of life for many in the world, rather than a short-term farm plot, as agriculturalists will tell you that rainforest land is very shallow in it's nutrients and in a few years time you have to burn more forest to have fertile ground to plant in.
I see the pics in magazine and on the news about the massive acreage that is going up in flames and "tantrum" does not begin to describe my feelings.
What it the answer? I wish I knew. But this is a post about frustration and topics that bring out the rage in us, and this is one of the most disheartening realities I know of.
Well, that is just a drop in the bucket for my anger over this, but it does help to share some....or I hope it will.
Thanks for reading, hope someone has a workable solution for the world in general.
Bye for now.

wisdomseeker 10-14-2021 10:17 AM

Tantrum this morning (aka: me blowing smoke out of a gnat's rear end)... was abruptly awakened by a phone call, from my old school dedicated landline. Head was still in that cloud-9 sleep state. I say hello, and then I hear "your car warranty is getting ready to expire". Hell, my car warranty expired 10 years ago. Hung up the phone and it rings again... I pick up and say hello... then I hear "this is a message from Amazon about your package". What the hey, I don't even do Amazon, and I sure the hell don't have a package coming from them.

Use to enjoy answering the phone in the past. It was a fun tool for having conversations with other normal human beings. My phone has now transformed into a tool for the bottom-feeders, predators, and con-artists. Worse, it's turned into a daily event.

Another stick in the craw... calling a company to square away a problem (which is usually created by that company, and not by me). Your call goes through... you get that automated-artificial-intelligence thing... if you know the extension of the party you are calling... please listen carefully to the following options on the menu (and that goes on for 10 minutes)... and then: "for all other questions, and to speak with an operator, push zero now". Finally, a human being answers and says: Please wait, I'm going to put you on hold... 15 minutes later a human voice comes back on the line and says: how can I help you? Go figure. Something that should have taken 2 minutes at best, took almost half an hour.

My phone sits next to a desktop PC that I use occasionally (Microsoft windows). I probably spend more time doing updates on that computer than anything else. Fired up the PC after the annoying phone calls this morning, and once again: 'update time'. Then a message appears: this PC doesn't currently meet all the system requirements for Windows 11. Crap, here we go again. Been there, done that - Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10. Looks like (just maybe) a forced switch to Apple (with the latest newest & greatest money pit) from my end, in 2025.

Coffee finally perked and is ready to go. One cup in... the foul mood is disappearing, My world is starting to come back into focus. I start humming that old Beatles song... it's just another day, du du du du du du, it's just another day. Oh crap, the phone is ringing again.

estación seca 10-14-2021 11:15 AM

Copy your data files onto a peripheral hard drive. Install Mint Linux, wiping and overwriting the Windows hard drive.

Dusty Ol' Man 10-14-2021 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 970730)
Copy your data files onto a peripheral hard drive. Install Mint Linux, wiping and overwriting the Windows hard drive.

Agreed! I use it and only update things when I decde to. And no Microsoft anything on my computer!

DirtyCoconuts 10-14-2021 01:01 PM

i feel you!!!!

the phone is a weapon and a leash and there is very little more annoying than a computer update

on a brighter note, you have orchids

wisdomseeker 10-14-2021 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by estación seca (Post 970730)
Copy your data files onto a peripheral hard drive. Install Mint Linux, wiping and overwriting the Windows hard drive.

Appreciate the suggestion. My brother has been on me about "that one" for a long time. Probably should have taken his advise when first given to me (he's the computer guru of the family -who got his start in the VAX profession during the late 70's). *Your suggestion* has moved me across the line to do just that!


Originally Posted by Dusty Ol' Man (Post 970732)
Agreed! I use it and only update things when I decde to. And no Microsoft anything on my computer!

Good to know. I especially like the "no Microsoft anything on my computer." My laptops will stay with Gatesoft, and the transition to 11, until they won't support any future requirements -and/or- I become totally frustrated with Microsoft.


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 970733)
i feel you!!!!

the phone is a weapon and a leash and there is very little more annoying than a computer update

on a brighter note, you have orchids

I usually remain on the 'bright side of the road', most of the time. Was able to sleep in this morning (or I thought) and was in one of those deep REMs. Nothing like a slew of junk calls as a wake-up call!

Figured since I already fired up my old PC, I'd check out the OB. Decided to rant for a bit instead of looking at orchid threads. And yes, you are right on... a quick glance at my orchids (along with the am coffee) made for a better perspective!

WaterWitchin 10-15-2021 08:49 AM

My PC... I taught it to update while I'm asleep.

Even phones can be taught a new trick. I put mine where I can't hear it when I don't want to be disturbed (like sleeping, watching a movie, or just plain ol' leave me alone time.)

Dusty Ol' Man 10-15-2021 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 970791)
My PC... I taught it to update while I'm asleep.

Even phones can be taught a new trick. I put mine where I can't hear it when I don't want to be disturbed (like sleeping, watching a movie, or just plain ol' leave me alone time.)

I have a year till retirement. Then mine goes into this mode.

estación seca 10-15-2021 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 970791)
Even phones can be taught a new trick. I put mine where I can't hear it when I don't want to be disturbed (like sleeping, watching a movie, or just plain ol' leave me alone time.)

It would run down and I'd never find it again.

WaterWitchin 10-15-2021 05:32 PM

Ya always have it Sit Stay in the same spot ES.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

And what does retirement have to do with it Dusty? I was doing that way before retiring. If it’s really an emergency they will always send the popo to yer door.

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

Crap! Sudden idea! Why did I not send the Fertilizer Reprise to the Rant Thread! 🤦*♀️ SMH Wasted opportunity. But now it’s in my skillset!

SADE2020 10-15-2021 07:26 PM

Dusty, I'm an eCommerce slave do to work; web management, social media, google.. And I don't sleep with the phone on, except the alarm.

I think we all should sleep, rest and get away from cellular signals and blue lights as much as possible.

Dusty Ol' Man 10-15-2021 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 970819)

[/COLOR]And what does retirement have to do with it Dusty? I was doing that way before retiring. If it’s really an emergency they will always send the popo to yer door.[COLOR="Silver"]

I am "on call". My cell is my leash. I have to have it with me 24/7 so when a job comes up they can call. So, when I retire I no longer need a leash!:rofl:

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ----------

Crap! Sudden idea! Why did I not send the Fertilizer Reprise to the Rant Thread! 🤦*♀️ SMH Wasted opportunity. But now it’s in my skillset!

Why didn't you just delete it from a certain point. All it was good for was chasing away new members.

Roberta 10-15-2021 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 970819)

[/COLOR]Crap! Sudden idea! Why did I not send the Fertilizer Reprise to the Rant Thread! 🤦*♀️ SMH Wasted opportunity. But now it’s in my skillset!

You still can move it... I don't think there is any limit on how many times you can move it until it is fairly well buried.

WaterWitchin 10-16-2021 04:44 PM

It’s already going down… can’t comment on it, so it’s a slippery slope. On second thought, putting into a thread that’s a sticky would be foolish… but still.

Dusty… If that scares off a new member here, they probably won’t survive social media anyway. Plus, mods aren’t the context police. We have no business deleting a bunch of posts just because folks are flexing their attitude or opinion unless it gets obscene or overly inflammatory. Likewise mods don’t approve or disapprove opinions or advice whether good, bad, or indifferent. We may put our two cents in as a member, but it’s not our place to just delete posts because the conversation goes south.

Orchid Whisperer 10-17-2021 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by WaterWitchin (Post 970819)
Ya always have it Sit Stay in the same spot ES.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

And what does retirement have to do with it Dusty? I was doing that way before retiring. If it’s really an emergency they will always send the popo to yer door.

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

Crap! Sudden idea! Why did I not send the Fertilizer Reprise to the Rant Thread! 🤦*♀️ SMH Wasted opportunity. But now it’s in my skillset!

I'm not on OB as often as I used to be. That there is a Tantrum or Rant thread . . . something I hadn't noticed before, and sort of amusing, in a threw-up-in-my-mouth-a-little-bit sort of way!

Reading your post I had to look up Fertilizer Reprise. OMG. All I can say is urine kills orchids and there was too much of it on that thread!

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