Tantrum Thread .. OK People! Sound Off!
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Old 11-16-2010, 05:43 AM
Triffid Triffid is offline
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Tantrum Thread .. OK People! Sound Off! Female

Regards previous posts

You know I have worked in shops like that, and I can guarantee that "most" shop assistants don't really want to hassle the customers.... Blame the Big-Wigs at Head Office, it's nearly always their Idea for their staff to jump on customers when you walk in the shop.
The Store I worked in wasn't that bad and also took Head Office advice with a pinch of Salt so we just used to smile and say "Need any help, just grab one of us." and leave it at that. (We usually had a tone of other things that needed to be dealt with anyway)

Didn't matter to Head Office how many staff members told them that Customers didn't like being Harassed by staff.

We would actually get "Marked Down" like Naughty School Children, if the mystery shopper caught us not using the Script that HO had devised.

Trust me shop staff most of the time can't win. Don't hassle customers and their bosses get crabby, do hassle customers and the customers get the same way.

What ever happened to the old style shops where you could browse at leisure!?
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Old 11-16-2010, 09:53 AM
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Or go into a huge building supply store with rows of stuff and look for a salesperson to ask what row something is in and they are all MIA ..
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Old 04-16-2011, 02:43 PM
shadytrake shadytrake is offline
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OMG - I HATE AT&T's crappy DSL modems!!!

I finally got my DSL service back after 3 trips from the service people to go up the pole to repair the box that gets ripped open by the squirrels EVERY spring only to have the stupid DSL modem fry.

This is the 2nd one I have replaced. I went online to find out that they no longer sell this model because it was a total piece of crap.

Luckily I found a great review help site that recommended the universal DSL modem from Actiontec (GT701D). Found one at my local Best Buy, brought it home, hooked it up and after a quick call to Actiontec for the special Mac settings, I'm up and running!!! FINALLY after 3 weeks of back and forth crap. YAY!

Just had to vent!
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Old 04-01-2014, 09:07 AM
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Tantrum Thread .. OK People! Sound Off! Male

Ok I'm really pissed! I've had a Rosemary plant that I planted right after I moved into my current house in 2007. It was rated as zone 8 hardy, but I've never had varieties rated for zone 6 come back after a winter, and this was supposed to be a particularly flavorful one (It was), so I figured "what the heck". Well by blind luck I put it in a spot where it actually survived a winter and came back in the spring! It managed to repeat this feat (without protection) every year, growing into a bush 5' wide and 3' tall. I never saw a Rosemary bush anywhere near as big except while vacationing on The Outer Banks. Until this year. It is TOAST. Oh well, at least it will make the neighborhood smell nice when I burn it............
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Old 04-01-2014, 12:14 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Did you have the really hard winter where you are
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Old 04-01-2014, 12:31 PM
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Tantrum Thread .. OK People! Sound Off! Male

Yes we did. A couple stretches of over a week with highs in the 20s (F) and lows in the low single digits. We had one stretch like that last winter and the plant didn't miss a beat, but this winter was too much for it.
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Old 04-02-2014, 04:02 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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That sucks

Don't know if these can grow up from the ground if they get frosted off (mine have never had cold that bad).

I'm only thinking of my 'hardy' fushia, which in a mild winter like the one we've just had just grows back from the old growth, but in a hard winter all the existing growth dies off and I prune right back to the ground, but new growth comes up from the roots each year.
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Old 04-02-2014, 06:39 AM
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Tantrum Thread .. OK People! Sound Off! Male

I'm just going to cut everything off at ground level and see what happens. By June if nothing regrows I'll put something else in the spot.
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Old 12-15-2014, 03:36 AM
Suri85 Suri85 is offline
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Tantrum Thread .. OK People! Sound Off! Male

Not a major tantrum but still...

In August (I think), Indonesia central bank made an announcement that starting January 1st 2015, all credit card transactions in Indonesia must be authorized by PIN numbers. Naturally, I waited several months for the banks to send new credit cards PINs, but until early December, only of them have sent new PINs.

This was problematic for me because I have 12 credit cards from various banks which I use for work purposes. So for several days, I basically turned my desk upside down looking for the old PIN slips, calling banks to ask for new PINs, scouring the area around my office and apartment to find each banks' ATM machines to change the default PINs...

When I only had one card to go... The Central bank made an announcement that they postponed the decision until 2020!!!!

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Old 12-15-2014, 04:03 AM
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I dont know if its a tantrum but its upsetting to say the least and should be upsetting to everyone.
Chinese manipulating their money again by 'pegging'. Just a big sigh from me on why they feel they have to do this. Its got some attention again as they buy up US debt using yuan to purchase USD. Printing more chinese currency to pay for it. Its very disturbing to say the least. Tantric I dont know but disturbing yes.
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