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Old 01-30-2009, 10:34 AM
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Default Interesting Geography

Got this in an email today, thought I'd share:


More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska .

The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world's oxygen supply.

The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred miles at sea off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean. The volume of water in the Amazon river is greater than the next eight largest rivers in the world combined and three times the flow of all rivers in the United States ..

Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country.

Ninety percent of the world's ice covers Antarctica . This ice also represents seventy percent of all the fresh water in the world. As strange as it sounds, however, Antarctica is essentially a desert. The average yearly total precipitation is about two inches Although covered with ice (all but 0.4% of it, ie.), Antarctica is the driest place on the planet, with an absolute humidity lower than the Gobi desert.

Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around.

Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. Canada is an Indian word meaning ' Big Village ..'

Next to Warsaw , Chicago has the largest Polish population in the world.

Woodward Avenue in Detroit , Michigan , carries the designation M-1, so named because it was the first paved road anywhere.

Damascus , Syria
was flourishing a couple of thousand years before Rome was founded in 753 BC, making it the oldest continuously inhabited city in existence.

Istanbul , Turkey
is the only city in the world located on two continents.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles' full name is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula -- and can be abbreviated to 3.63% of its size: L.A.

New York City
The term 'The Big Apple' was coined by touring jazz musicians of the 1930's who used the slang expression 'apple' for any town or city.. Therefore, to play New York City is to play the big time - The Big Apple. There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin , Ireland ; more Italians in New York City than in Rome, Italy ; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, Israel .

There are no natural lakes in the state of Ohio , every one is man made.

Pitcairn Island
The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia , at just 1.75 sq.. miles/4.53 sq. km.

The first city to reach a population of 1 million people was Rome , Italy in 133 B.C. There is a city called Rome on every continent.

contains more than 25% of the world's forests.

The actual smallest sovereign entity in the world is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (S.MO.M.). It is located in the city of Rome, Italy, has an area of two tennis courts, and as of 2001 has a population of 80, 20 less people than the Vatican. It is a sovereign entity under international law, just as the Vatican is.

Sahara Desert
In the Sahara Desert , there is a town named Tidikelt, which did not receive a drop of rain for ten years. Technically though, the driest place on Earth is in the valleys of the Antarctic near Ross Island . There has been no rainfall there for two million years.

literally means 'the land of rabbits.'

St. Paul, Minnesota
was originally called Pig's Eye after a man named Pierre 'Pig's Eye' Parrant who set up the first business there.

Chances that a road is unpaved in the U.S.A : 1%, in Canada : 75%

The deepest hole ever made in the world is in Texas .. It is as deep as 20 empire state buildings but only 3 inches wide.

United States
The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one-mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.

The water of Angel Falls (the World's highest) in Venezuela drops 3,212 feet (979 meters). They are 15 times higher than Niagara Falls ...

Somebody has always said you should learn something new every day. Unfortunately, many of us are at that age where what we learn today, we forget tomorrow. But, give it a shot
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:19 AM
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Excellent stuff Sue!! Love the name of LA.
The Town of Our Lady the Queen of Angels of Porciuncula.
I just recently saw a bit on Angel falls on the Science channel on a show called Fearless planet. They said the falls were about two empire state buildings. Amazing!!!
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"

Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:33 AM
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I found what it says about the interstate system (re: United States) to be very interesting! Never knew that!
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Old 02-08-2009, 11:51 PM
MuscleGirl'sHobby MuscleGirl'sHobby is offline
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I'm resurecting this thread... OK, it's not that old, but it's very interesting.

A couple things to add off the top of my head.

-Antarctica is home to an active volcano.
-There are two ice sheets in the world: One in Antarctica, and one in Greenland. There is a large amount of geothermal activity udner Greenland's ice sheet.
-The idea for the interstate system in the United States came from Germany's autobahn.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:13 AM
Grandma M Grandma M is offline
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Thanks Susanne, I read it before but it was interesting to read again because that last sentence applys to me.
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antarctica, city, rome, world, york, geography

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