Glad this year is almost over.
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Old 12-28-2008, 07:04 PM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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Default Glad this year is almost over.

This Thursday is just another day but I'm sooooo very much looking forward to starting a new year, putting the sad events, maybe? tucked a little further away than they feel right now.

Losing my little cat has been the saddest...can't seem to lift myself up quite yet. I went to a breeder this afternoon and looked at 6 week old, Torti point Himalayans that normally, would have caused me to act spontaneously and purchase one and maybe, if they were ready to be taken (not for another 3 weeks), I would have but, I left without leaving a deposit. My heart just isn't in it.

I'm not even interested in my orchids at the moment.

This kind of loss has been just as difficult as the loss of human life. Can anyone here, relate to this?

Looking forward to 2009!!!!!!

P.S. Sorry to be such a downer.

Last edited by Sandy4453; 12-28-2008 at 07:06 PM..
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Old 12-28-2008, 07:36 PM
BikerDoc5968 BikerDoc5968 is offline
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Sandy, I'm not a cat person so please don't hold that against me. I am a dog person and grew up with dogs all my life. About 25 years ago, while working X-mas Eve at the hospital (3 - 11P shift), the automatic doors swung open about 9:30P. The ER was pretty much empty because of the holiday and some major snow and cold weather. We thought a patient was coming into be seen. Well, in hobbles this beautiful Irish Setter female. She weighted maybe 25 to 30# dripping wet, hip bones almost protruding through her red coat and the most forlorn facial expression I've ever seen! The hospital always feeds its employees on X-mas Eve/Day. We had lots of leftovers and I fed this poor animal. She was so weak she could barely eat the roast beef! We kept her overnight in the heated maintainence area and the next day one of the guys took her home. End of story.... not exactly. The day after the guy brought the dog back to the hospital because his dog wouldn't accept the new arrival. It broke my heart that this show quality dog had no home, no ID tasgs nothing. Well, yes I took her home and my kids (sons) fell in love instantaneously.... can't say the wife was thrilled....far from it!!!! We named her "Bones" for obvious reasons and she adapted to our family overnight. She put on some weight and filled out just great. She was with us for a very long time..... putting her down was about the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It took about a year before I could get back to wanting another dog...and I had a dear friend who bred English and Irish Setters and always wanted to give me some of her dogs, but I just couldn't do it. Then in the spring, about a year later, my kids hit me up big time about getting another dog. So off we all went to Pat's kennel and looked over the new litters and came home with an English and an Irish Setter pup. That was almost 23 years ago. Both dogs lived into very old age; the English was about 14 when she had a stroke and the Irish was 16 when her hips went bad. I've wanted another dog in the worst way but after these two, I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it again.... I don't think it ever gets easy and I don't thing the pain ever goes away...not completely. We draw other distractions into our lives and this helps us get to the next day. I'll always remember the joy and happiness my dogs have given me even at the worst of times.... It's ok to grieve and soon you'll get back in the saddle 'cause tomorrow will be here soon enough
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Old 12-28-2008, 08:48 PM
susiep susiep is offline
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Sandy, I am sorry you feel so down. But Howard is right, it just takes some time to be able to accept a new pet in your home. When the time is right, you will know it. Also, it is ok to grieve for your lost pet for a while. Stay optomistic about the new year. Plus when your orchids start sending out those spikes they will bring your interest in orchids back real quick! God bless you and all of us and best wishes for a Happy 2009!
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Old 12-29-2008, 06:31 AM
shakkai shakkai is offline
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Sandy, You are most certainly not alone! I am definitely a cat person, and I can definitely relate to how you are feeling. The last cat I lost was nearly 8 years ago now, and I still miss her. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when my 13 year old cat isn't with us any more. They become so much a part of the family.

I think loving and caring for a pet is one of the most satisfying things a person can do. It is our 'furry friends' that teach us about unconditional love (something that doesn't come easily to people) and what really matters - i.e. its not about what you look like or how much money you make, its about the time and attention that you give and the love that you have to share!

I know that you will find a way to make space for another kitty in your heart. If not now, sometime soon. Life just isn't the same without them!
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Old 12-29-2008, 06:42 AM
Bird Song Farm Bird Song Farm is offline
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Hang in there Sandy. I know it's hard but you will get through this. We give so much love to our pets and it is returned double fold. Remember all the fun times you had with her and know that she is o.k. The time will come for another pet in your life. Probably when you least expect it. Oh, it's o.k. to cry, I still have a good sob now and then for my Reboot and it's been over a year now.
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Old 12-29-2008, 07:57 AM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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Last night when I got on the board, I thought I'd distract myself by what I ended up posting here. I found myself clicking away but just couldn't get into it. After I posted this I thought it was more than "Off Topic - Totally", more like...."Totally Off the Board" and was a bit regretful but, too late....couldn't delete.

Howard, great name you gave to your e.r. dog...Bones. Thanks for this story.

Doesn't matter if it's a cat, dog, horse...these bonds are immeasurable.

I've been 'here' before and I'll be 'here' again. I would not have traded all they've added for what is lost when they leave.

Thank you Susie, shakkai and Bird Song for your comments.

P.S. Susie, I've got lot's of spiking going on, on the patio!
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Old 12-29-2008, 09:29 AM
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Hi Sandy, don't regret posting your feelings you have a lot of company here .
Be it dog , cat , bird or other pets .
I lost my bird Simon awhile back and thought that is it! no more , the hen reminded me daily alone in her cage .
I received an email from a friend telling me about a male Alexandrine for sale the right age ect. I thought would go look at him .I did ,he is now here his name is Max he will not replace Simon but fills the void he left .
One of the bummers about getting older is the list gets longer.. Shadow my show pony was with me for 24 years. Melody , Harmony and Wheeler my Great Danes for 10 years . Simon for 6 years . each time I lose one I say No more ! In time your hurt will dim , and good memories take their place . Hang in there .. Hugs Gin
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Old 12-29-2008, 11:19 AM
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Sandy, as Gin said...please don't regret posting what you did! You are among friends

Many of us have been through what you're going through...and everybody handles their grief in a different way. For me, getting Samantha, my Boxer, shortly before we knew Max, my Rottie, would be leaving us was the key to my getting past the lowest levels of my grief. It's been over 4 yrs since Max is gone and I still think of him all the time. Actually, he made such an impression in everybody's lives that he's still a major part of conversations around here, we sometimes forget he's waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.

That being said...I am with you on hoping for a better year in 2009. This past year was a killer for me personally and I did not enjoy this holiday season at all.

Here's to a better 2009...for everybody!

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Old 12-30-2008, 07:31 PM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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(((((Gin))))) and (((((Sue))))

I want to share with you this link to some kitties that have all been adopted out but the same parents are about to have another litter. The owner and I have been talking and she's promised me that I'll be first to know when they're born. These have that adorable-ness that does it for me. It'll be another 10 weeks after they're born before I bring him or her home. I think Bunny would approve and my healing will then begin.

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Old 12-30-2008, 08:35 PM
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Did somebody say ADORABLE?

Sandy, I think Bunny may have had a paw in having you talk to the owner of those little darlings
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