I came here today and posted my news because I didn't know what else to do at that moment, had all these misplaced feelings and needed to share(?) and express them. I'm really very comforted by everyone's response. Thank You all so much.
I can't believe my silly girl is gone. Lilly (my calico) and Annie (my Bishon) are feeling the loss as well. Animals know!
To those who say I shouldn't be deprived of another sweet animal, I can only say, I NEVER will. I've always had animals in my life and will continue to.
And for all the pain we go through when loss occurs, I decided a long time ago that it's worth it, no matter how painful. I wouldn't give up what I had to spare myself from feeling what inevitably was to come.
I used to say to Bunny from time to time, that I knew someday she'd break my heart. Not that it matters when....I just didn't see this coming.
Thank you all again. I've been very comforted by everyone, here.