Think it's about time for a snow blowing emoticon! And
not the one Dorothy posted last winter!
Just finished with snow removal on the roof and the guy who did it charged extra because there was so much. He indicated waste deep (on him) and he lost the snow scoop off the roof once! All I can tell is I have about 4 feet new snow under the roof edge from up there. We had dishes rattling in cabinets from the snow coming down! This was serious. We are expecting warmer weather and maybe rain (freezing rain) over weekend and he said I made the right decision removing this load. I told him I'd see him in February (the normal time for snow removal.)
Now, seriously, anyone who wants a batch delivered to their home and yard (or pool), let me know. I have a surplus
. It'll only cost shipping - I won't charge for the snow itself, since I didn't have to pay to have it delivered to me.
Let's not fight now kiddies, there's plenty to go around.