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Old 12-11-2008, 01:14 PM
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Camille...that is absolutely gorgeous!

and ummmm...

no snow here
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Old 12-11-2008, 02:28 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by camille1585 View Post
Looks like Michigan isn't the only place getting snow lately. My sister sent me pics of what it looks like around our country house. Lyon, at a much lower altitude, is only getting flurries. I hope it doesn't snow next Thursday I don't want my flight home delayed! Last year I had a 2 hour+ delay because of 2cm of snow at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

Normally we don't get snow until late december, and this year it already snowed heavily mid november, and now this week. My mom is panicking, she forgot to have the snow tires put on the car and she needs to drive to the mountains for work in a few days.

So, how's the snow treating you guys today?
Camille, I find these scenes very relaxing and soothing - seriously. That's what snow should be like. Took the truck out today and due to the cab warming up, the whole sheet of snow 24" thick came off in one piece downtown on main street Luckily no one was following closely. Now that's funny.
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Old 12-11-2008, 02:32 PM
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The mental picture I have of that scene is hilarious! Would be even more hilarious if your chunk of snow was big enough to block traffic!

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Old 12-12-2008, 02:01 PM
quiltingwacko quiltingwacko is offline
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I don't want to be a Whiner but... Female

Would it make you feel any better Ross if I told you that southern Oregon is about to be hammered by the white stuff? Sure it would. You could sit up there and giggle at us shoveling, huh? I have been ordered to lay in supplies instead of Christmas shop today. So maybe I will post a picture of my Freida Shapiro phal this weeknd. Probably won't be out and about. She is blooming her little head off. All my orchids have names like Frieda and Madge. I should name one Wanda. Carol
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:20 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by quiltingwacko View Post
Would it make you feel any better Ross if I told you that southern Oregon is about to be hammered by the white stuff? Sure it would. You could sit up there and giggle at us shoveling, huh? I have been ordered to lay in supplies instead of Christmas shop today. So maybe I will post a picture of my Freida Shapiro phal this weeknd. Probably won't be out and about. She is blooming her little head off. All my orchids have names like Frieda and Madge. I should name one Wanda. Carol
I still have visions of the one snowfall we had in Grants Pass in the late 60s and I had to make a snow shovel from a piece of plywood and a board My neighbor thought I was crazy. She said wait till noon, it'll be gone. And it was. While I feel for you, I have experiences from Oregon (well GP and K Falls) and know it won't last long there. Ours started in early November and won't be done till May! Why, oh why, did I ever listen to my wife and move back here?
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:27 PM
s.kallima s.kallima is offline
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It's snowing downtown Vancouver (British Columbia)...

With our average of 3 days with 1 cm deep snow here, I so love it when it happens !!!

My thoughts go for you guys back east, where snow is less enjoyable...

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Old 12-12-2008, 05:00 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by s.kallima View Post
where snow is less enjoyable...
Oh, trust me, it is enjoyable. It just gets boring shovelling several times a day. I really enjoy photos of scenes in the mountains (like Camille provided) in the snow. But all I get to see is a ton of snow burying my vehicles and my house. Not scenic, just sucky (sorry). I've "enjoyed" a couple Lakes States snows that delivered over 4 feet in a bit over a day. It actually was fun. But then the rest of the winter was mild. So far, we have had more snow then that year and no signs of letting up. I grew up just a bit north of Buffalo (a little burg called Niagara Falls) and we were used to lots of snow. Why does Buffalo always get the air time? Niagara Falls got more snow than Buffalo, at least when I was there, but was smaller.
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Old 12-27-2008, 08:29 PM
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OK, guys, here's an update from Friday (Yesterday). I had my roof cleaned for second time, and, since the local news was hammering folks to get their roofs shovelled, the neighbor grabbed the guy I had doing mine and had his done as well. This picture is my Grandson Louie on the snowpile from the roof.

Normally, it would take an extension ladder to get to that spot on the roof! The porch is 6 steps above the ground.

Last night, the temps took a turn to warmer and the roof snow is gone. The big piles have settled somewhat and the average snow depth has gone to half what it was. Fog is so heavy one can see a half block in town. You have to be within 1/2 block to see a traffic light! The drive has 6" water at the end and streets are glare ice. As much as I gripe about snow depths, I still prefer that to this ice stuff. Tomorrow brings freezing weather and solidification of all that is now slush. Just great!
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Old 12-28-2008, 11:48 AM
Paul Paul is offline
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I don't want to be a Whiner but... Male

Good lord, man! Are you STILL whining?!? LOL!!!

The rain yesterday really devastated the snow -- lost over 1/2 of it. Even saw some grass trying to poke through in spots. Nearly all if not all of the snow on my folks' roof came down. It was rather entertaining really ... you could actually watch the snow pack slide over the side of the roof. Once a foot or two would extend beyond the roof's edge, only then would it break off and plummet to the ground. (What can I say, we northerners can be easily entertained sometimes. )

How did you like the wind last night, Ross? It was truckin' through up here. Glad I was indoors. It's now icy as all get out. Dad said that the walk was a layer of icy snow over a layer of slush when he went out for the paper this morning. (For those not of northern persuasion, that can actually make for more trecherous footing that solid ice.) Imagine it will freeze all the way down by later today.
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Old 12-28-2008, 01:34 PM
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Good lord, man! Are you STILL whining?!? LOL!!!
Oh Paul!
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