So, what other plant families are you all into?
Forexample, I am a fledgling aroid enthusiast.
Aroids all belong to the family Araceae.
Here are some pics of my little collection.
THis is Pistia stratoites, a water lettuce.
This is an anthurium which I have not been able to bloom yet. Its probably some sort of hybrid.
The big light green plant here is a Syngonium podophylum. This will never bloom on me unless I let it grow wild. Until then it will forever be in its immature state. I like it cuase it grows like a weed, under wet or dry conditions, or even soiles conditions.
This one is Agloeanema commutatum. It blooms little white-greenish flowers that looks just like anthurium flowers, in the summer time. Then it produces berries that through the year change color from green to vibrant orange, to red. THen I plant them and I get new plantlets!
THis is an Anubias barterii. Very popular in the aquarium trade. I like it cuase its in Aroid and give those distinctive Aroid blooms:
Here is another Anthurium Hybrid I got, no explanation necessary
These lance shaped leaves are known as Cryptocorynes. I have two species here. Like the Anubias, they are popular among aquarists, but again, I like them cause they are Aroids. I haven't gotten them to bloom yet, but soon
THis is a Philodendron micans, very beautiful leaves. Its called devils vine? But its a slow grower. Don't know If I can ever get it to bloom or not.
Up until last month, I had this one, but I killed it.
Zantedeschia tubers, Calla Lilly??
I also have this Spathyphyllum sp.
Its a peace lilly. Always in bloom!!
ANyhow, I have more such as Anthurium clarinerum, Syngonium rayii, Peltandra virginica, Anubias coffeefolia, Anubias frazeri, and Anubias nana.
I was also treated to seeing a possibly new species,
though mistreated it maybe as it has come straight from the jungle.
Dracontium sperlingi
And I am caring for some Elephant ears sp. the plant where you get Taro root from.
There is an Aroid Society, check it out!
International Aroid Society Homepage
So what are you favorite plant families, or groups besides orchids?