I love looking at Stapellia and Amorphophallus (and related) but HATE smelling them.
I basically like anything photosynthetic, but over the years I've gotten into the more unusual or exotic plants. My favorite indoor families are orchids, gesneriads, and bromeliads. I've got a little bit of everything else too, but I'm trying to get rid of some non-chids to make space for more CHIDS!
My collection has changed a lot as my tastes changed and I found more appealing plants, but at the moment I have: 2 hoyas, 1 Asparagus plumosus, 1 gargantuan epiphyllum, 1 date palm started from seed, 1 lemon and 1 satsuma mandarin (both from seed), 2 clivia miniata, 1 amaryllis hybrid, 2 Thanksgiving cacti (yes, there is a difference between it and Christmas cacti
), 1 Scindapsus pictus, 1 African violet, 1 Alsobia (Episcia) dianthiflora, 1 selaginella, 1 Sansevieria, 1 Brazilian Fireworks (like a mini Aphelandra), 1 crassula noid, 1 Crassula argentea 'Gollum', 1 spider plant, 1 dracaena, 1 Schefflera, 3 cryptanthus, 1 Coffea arabica, 1 Ledebouria (Scilla) socialis, and 10 tillandsias.
Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't be so thorough...
I also love Bonsai and carnivorous plants. One of my all-time favorite plants is Mecanopsis, the Himalayan poppy. Absolutely the BEST blue in the plant kingdom.
I could basically write a book, or maybe a few libraries worth, on plants I like, so I suppose I'll leave it at that.