I have made some headway as to the ID of these Echeveria. The names on the two are correct. #3 - Echeveria chihuahuaensis, #5 - many cultivars of this, so call it 'Blue Waves', 'Dick's Pink', #6 - Echeveria secunda cv glauca, #7 flowers of #6, #* - Echeveria diffractens, #9 - Echeveria X Graptoveria 'Amethorum' (a hybrid between Graptopetalum amethystinum X Echeveria purpusorum)
So now we know who we are

...and I for one, sure am happy about that

...'cause it's hard to live with a face and no name

....think about all of our poor NOid chids....how do you think they feel?

I'm sure they are happy they have a home and someone to care for them!