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Old 07-09-2008, 07:36 PM
ladageggz ladageggz is offline
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Bromeliad help Female
Question Bromeliad help

I know that Bromeliads are not orchids but from what I've looked on the net, they almost require the same care. So I was wondering if anyone might have some in their plant collections and help me. I bought this a few months ago for my daughter, it already had the pretty pink thing (lol) and almost every morning there's a cute little flower blooming out the top just like the pics but that's all we get. One flower a day, then they shrivel away. It hasn't opened up like they're supposed to do. Does anyone know why?

Also another question, my phal orchids, I'm still a beginner and was wondering, since I live in a small apartment, the only way to grow them is on the window sill. I know that direct sun light is a big no no, but was wondering if outside is overcast, can I keep them on the sill with the shades up or is that still too much sunlight for them?

Thanks in advance!!
sorry about the pic, the attachment link wasn't connecting.
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Old 07-09-2008, 07:40 PM
bonsai1504 bonsai1504 is offline
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i give my bromeliads the same care as my phals. what direction is the window facing? what type of bromeliad is it?

Last edited by bonsai1504; 07-09-2008 at 07:42 PM..
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Old 07-09-2008, 07:50 PM
ladageggz ladageggz is offline
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My windows face Northeast but I really don't know what type of bromeliad it is. Lowes is not very good at telling us which type of anything you are buying. All it says it Bromeliad Upright.
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Old 07-09-2008, 08:00 PM
bonsai1504 bonsai1504 is offline
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you might need a little more light. you can suppliment with two wide spectrum flourescent bulbs (lowes or home depot) or move to a brighter window.
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Old 07-11-2008, 07:35 PM
orchidjunky orchidjunky is offline
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Originally Posted by ladageggz View Post
I know that Bromeliads are not orchids but from what I've looked on the net, they almost require the same care. So I was wondering if anyone might have some in their plant collections and help me. I bought this a few months ago for my daughter, it already had the pretty pink thing (lol) and almost every morning there's a cute little flower blooming out the top just like the pics but that's all we get. One flower a day, then they shrivel away. It hasn't opened up like they're supposed to do. Does anyone know why?

Also another question, my phal orchids, I'm still a beginner and was wondering, since I live in a small apartment, the only way to grow them is on the window sill. I know that direct sun light is a big no no, but was wondering if outside is overcast, can I keep them on the sill with the shades up or is that still too much sunlight for them?

Thanks in advance!!
sorry about the pic, the attachment link wasn't connecting.
I have this same bromeliad and it's called Tillandsia Cyanea or Pink Quill Tillandsia...

The flowers don't really last that long unless there is ample enough moisture and humidty in the air.. they tend to dry up and shrivel within a day of blooming in normal household settings unless misted quite frequently. Mine did the same thing daily.. a new flower would come up and the next day or two days later would dry up... oh and if the quill turns brown cut it off.. i believe a new quill will not emerge from same plant and that it will create a plantlet at the base which will sprout a new pink quill... haven't seen that happen yet on mine (only a new plantlet but no quill).. but thats what i've researched online about this plant!
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Old 07-11-2008, 08:38 PM
ladageggz ladageggz is offline
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Bromeliad help Female

Thanks orchidjunky! So are you saying that the quill isn't supposed to open up? That's what i thought it was trying to do.

The one good thing about this plant is when the flower does pop out, it has a beautiful smell. I could sniff it for hours!!
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Old 07-12-2008, 12:12 PM
orchidjunky orchidjunky is offline
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Originally Posted by ladageggz View Post
Thanks orchidjunky! So are you saying that the quill isn't supposed to open up? That's what i thought it was trying to do.

The one good thing about this plant is when the flower does pop out, it has a beautiful smell. I could sniff it for hours!!

Nope the quill doesn't open up.. little purple flowers will pop up from each crevice
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Old 07-14-2008, 07:48 AM
Faerygirl Faerygirl is offline
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I have hundreds of bromeliads in my collection, and its a misstatement to say that you give them the same care as orchids. Like orchids there are many different types of bromeliads and they can require different care.

The Tillandsia you have can be grown in a small potful of soil, but would actually prefer to be either mounted or grown in a slat basket with moss. If you keep it in soil, don't water the soil outright very much, just mist the leaves and allow a little to run into the soil. That Til is a "soft leaved" Til so you can treat it like an actual bromeliad. It will form a clump over time. Each individual plant blooms once. You have to wait for a new mature plant to get another bloom. The "quill" as you call it is a bracht, not the flower. The true flowers emerge from this inflo and are the purple ones you see, and you are right, they are very short lived.

The other types pf Tillandsia are the hard leaves ones, that look silver and come on many shapes and forms. Their care is totally different from soft leaved Tils.

Most bromeliads are epiphytic and will do well mounted, but some should be kept terrestrial in most collections due to their sheer size. If you keep them on soil, don't overwater the soil. Water the plant in the "cup" or "vase" in the center of the plant, keeping it full of FRESH water (letting it stagnate leads to rot). Bromeliads have specialized cells in this region of their leaves to absorb water.

Light tolerance and requirement depends entirely on genera. Some broms are full sun plants and will be green in shade but color up and look totally different in sun. Some will have drab markings that will intensify and increase in full sun or bright light.

Others are shade plants that will burn in full sun. For some, the leaves ARE the show, for others,they sta a boring green and never get any other color, but the INFLO is the show.

Like orchids, you need to know what you want beforehand, how big it will eventually get, and plan accordingly.
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Old 07-14-2008, 12:10 PM
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I have this one growing in my vivarium where it recieves plenty of humidity and 130 watts, 7500 K - 10,000K (thats two different bulbs) of light. When mine bloomed a few months ago, it also did one flower at a time. Each flower would last about a day or two and then die, and the next one would pop up. So I think you are doing fine. I have mine mounted as well.
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apartment, flower, orchids, sill, wondering, bromeliad

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