I have bought "Deer Off" and that works well, but here's the homemade recipe I got off the internet.
Deer Repellent
2 eggs
1 cup skim milk
1 cup water
2 TBS liquid dish detergent
Mix together and spray on plants you want to protect. Repeat every week or so, or after a rain. Refrigerate any unused repellant. (I emulsify the eggs in a blender, and then stir in remaining ingredients).
Recycled laundry stain remover spray containers work well for applying the repellent.
Also, as far as posting pictures, I followed Sue's "resizing images" instructions to a tee. I've downloaded the proper program for Windows XP and I don't know why this doesn't work all the time. It's the same camera, same settings for every picture, etc. Ugh! Frustrating!