Does anybody here has some experience growing this species from seeds?
Beschreibung und Bilder von Oxalis squamata (Ojos de agua), eine chilenische Pflanze, dargebracht von, Ihr Partner für Samen von chilenischen Pflanzen
Viola cotyledon on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Lachenalia angelica
We have recently received these seeds from a friend, who brought them from South Africa. So far, we know that for the Oxalis and the Viola, we need to wait until Autumn, in order to sow them (they need several months at 40F to 55F in order to germinate. As per lachenalia and Lapeirousia, we can sow them already as they need temps above 68F for germination.
any advice would be highly appreciated, as this is the first time we try germinating plants suitable for "Alpine garden"