Thank you everyone
Nope these stawberries are very sweet , add some lime, use potassium for larger berries and keep moist. I also add cedar mulch to my soil mix makes a real difference for moisture and taste.
Becca, are you also growing clematis?
Snow, This clematis is a "Crystal fountain" zone 4
LOL D, I knew you would like that one. Not growing any rhub, the strawberries never seem to make it to the pie anyways.
About the storm -- Winds were very gusty, hot and very humid. 7 large trucks tripped over on a bridge from the strong winds, backed traffic up for hours.
We didn't take any damage to our house like some other did around us. We're lucky, some downed large tree branches and garden damage is all we got
I missed having coffee and hate taking a cold shower. Wouldntcha' know the power came back less then 10 mins after that shower

ha ha!