Not that bad here today (between thunderstorms) and have had 3" rain in last two days. Nice part is I haven't had to put out the sprinklers and there was enough dry yesterday I could mow the hay field I call a lawn!
No damage here, although a few miles north of me got messed up pretty bad... I hadn't seen any rain in 6 weeks or so before this, so I was looking forward to it. Of course now it is so wet I can't get into the garden to weed it, much less plant the rest of the corn and tomatoes.
We've probably gotten 5 or 6 inches in the last few days. I've given up on the lawn, I'd lose the tractor in it if I tried to mow today.
I'd lose the tractor in it if I tried to mow today.
I saw a very funny post yesterday regarding the high cost of gas. This poster said he quit buying gas for his lawn mower and the grass grew so high he couldn't see his car. So now he doesn't gas up the car and the high cost of gas doesn't bother him!