Thank you Marty, for all you do. You are an asset indeed!
I love this site. The people are fantastic and extremely supportive. You certainly know how to set up a great site that's warm and welcoming. Kudos!
Not only do we all learn and benefit from this site (
), the camaradarie is incredible and I'm as addicted to OB as I am to orchids!!
Who knew there would be a little serendipity happening out of your frustrations.
Also a huge thanks to the Moderators and the Ambassador!
Ahhhhh, the cocoa is all gone, the story was fantastic, the fire is burning out, and it's time for bed.
Being from Maine, when the fire goes out, take cover, cause the mesquitoes come out in droves. I think mesquitoes should be declared Maine's State bird...... yup yup!!! They are that big and extremely hungry! But that is another story for another time.
And so it goes, the Orchid Board people lived happily ever after.