Last weekend my husband and I went to Marathon Key for a little R & R. While there, we did some fishing and caught mostly Mangrove Snapper, Grunts, and Nurse Sharks. My husband hooked a good sized Stingray and my contribution was a 3' Green Moray eel. The Heron kept a watchful eye until we gave him a small fish.
Bet your husband had to remove the hook from the eel for you ! Nice pics . Thank for showing
Bet he didn't. I'm the hook remover in this relationship. The eel was pretty slimey. I tried grasping him near the head with a small towel but he could wriggle out backwards. I finally got a good grip but the hook was pretty far back in his throat. I finally chose to clip the line when it became obvious that removing it would cause him physical harm. The stingray actually flipped on his back and the hook came right out. No way was my husband going to touch him so I had to scoot the pvc rod holder under him and flip him upright and then I gently pushed him back in the water. He was hard to move... kinda like a suction cup stuck to the sand. Oh Yeah, I had the job of flipping over and removing hooks from 4 nurse sharks too.
You're Definately my kind of of fishing partner , I once caught a ray of 80 kegs it took me 4 hours to land and about the same time to get it back into the sea. I went home after that pooped tired and exhausted
Hey , ar'nt nurce sharks the ones with the nasty teeth ! You are a brave lady!!
Nurse sharks can grow quite large but are usually considered to be non aggressive. They're jaws appear less threatening than most sharks and are situated underneath their head where they have rows of small sharp teeth. I did some on-line research after returning from the keys and discovered that if provoked they will indeed bite humans and when they do so, they lock their jaws and sometimes have to be surgically removed from their victim.