Milankovitch cycles ( are long thought by scientists to be the driving factor on the earth’s climate cycle of ice ages and warm periods. We are currently observing a very high level of solar activity. Many critics of global warming say that this elevated level of solar radiation is the sole cause of our current warming trend. However, in the last twenty years, a continued increase in temperatures occurs while the solar activity has remained more or less stable. Climate scientists have established that CO2 increases are to blame for this additional warming.
Thanks for speaking up about these issues, you are not alone in doubting the science of global warming. Some studies of American public perception find that 48% of the population does not accept that global warming is a serious issue. You bring up another good point: will people easily adapt to global warming? You’re right it’s possible that the benefits of global warming will outweigh the costs, but some mainstream economists are predicting major consequences if we do not act. . Whether global warming is a curse or a blessing depends on where you are on this planet. For most people, the change in precipitation patterns and increasingly severe storms are far more relevant than the slight increase in temperature.