Originally Posted by stonedragonfarms
Hey everyone, here are a few more cacti that are just coming into bloom on the GH...enjoy!
The yellow is the common Opuntia sp. that grows throughout the midwest--I have a large one in one of my rock gardens and a couple in pots that I keep in the GH.
The red is a Trichocereus--the species name escapes me at the moment, but the flowers are quite large in proportion to the rest of the plant.
The last shot is developing buds on my Selenicereus macdonaldii (this one grows like a weed, but it's the first time it'll bloom <i hope>)
I posted a pic of the buds on my Selenicereus earlier in the month, well, tonight the show is beginning. No scent, but the flower more than makes up for it!
(The first couple are from this afternoon when the bud was just beginning to swell; the last few were taken just before sunset--about 8.30 or so)