Yes another orchid related disorder

. For those of you who don't know what to do with your "used" orchid water I suggest Gesneriads. I picked up a bunch of baby African Violets, a few Episcia, some Chirita and a couple Streptocarpus last fall. I felt bad about literally pouring my used distilled water and fertilizer down the drain so my grandmother took me to a place called the Violet Barn (
The Violet Barn, home of Rob's African Violets ). Really nice people and in six months all my teeny tiny plants have shot up. These are the first to bloom and Im really happy with them. I was pretty suprised when each of these little guys only cost about $4-$5 each especially in relation to what we pay for orchids. I really didn't expect them to grow quite this quickly, but hey, I'll take it. Thanks for looking