A Little Rant
The neighbor behind me (east side) demolished the existing house and are building a new one. It sits closer to the fence (almost against the fence, just minimum clearance) and is higher than before.
It just occurred to me that I'm going to loose sunlight! Maybe an hour, probably more...where I keep all my plants. I have a bit more clearance (~double theirs) but not all that much space to the fence myself.
It remains to be seen but in IM not so HO, it's gonna look weird at least and and possibly an eyesore having a differennt looking house taking up a whole lot in this neighborhood of small ranches with yards and single story apartments (six units). It's happening more and more but there have always been a street as a demarcation for the style change.
A part of me is all for doing what you want to your own property (I grew up in a forest/orchard/jungle in suburbia, where I learned from my parents to love plants) but a house is harder to undo than a garden to uproot. I can tell you about the upscale city of Saratoga where they seemed to have mostly figured out how to accomadate everyone.
I guess I'll have to go buy more lights.
ETA: they preserved the huge avocado tree, wonder how that's going to fare with minimal clearance to the house.
Anon Y Mouse
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor
I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!
LoL Since when is science an opinion?
Last edited by AnonYMouse; 02-12-2025 at 08:24 PM..