It's corpse flower season again. On this page you can watch a live stream of an Amorphophallus titanum flowering in the conservatory at the Hungington in San Marino (Los Angeles), California.
Corpse Flower | The Huntington
Amorphophallus titanum isn't hard to grow but you need an enclosure that is warm and humid all year, with a 15-20 foot / 4.5-6 meter ceiling to accommodate the single leaf that looks like a palm tree.
Various species of Amorphophallus grow to various sizes. There are some that can be grown and flowered in 4" / 10cm pots on windowsills. Not all have stinky flowers!
Amorphophallus konjac is quite common, not too big and easy in captivity. Amorphophallus paeoniifolius is also a lot of fun, but the leaf can get to 8 feet tall. Many people grow them in tubs on the patio in the summer, then put them in the basement for winter dormancy.
Like some of our orchids, their main threat is spider mite attack. They can also be attacked by nematodes if they are in the greenhouse.
If you know somebody with a konjac, they will usually have small tuber offsets to share in the fall.