I've been fortunate enough to have seen a good number of bald eagles, both right around my own home in SE Michigan, as well as on numerous trips up north or out of state. They are both predators and scavengers. I've seen them eating roadkill. Not very "majestic" but I guess no one told them. When you're hungry and an opportunity presents itself, you take advantage.
My most memorable sighting was on a trip to the Yellowstone area. We were on a road outside of the park, driving along a narrow arm of Hebgen Lake. The water level was down quite a ways from the elevation of the road, and a bald eagle was flying along over the water, so as I was looking out the passenger window of the truck, the eagle was at my eye level, maybe around 50 feet away, and seemed to be matching our speed until the road curved away from the water and we lost sight of it.
I also love ospreys! Every time we've been to Yellowstone, one of the highlights for me was watching the ospreys fishing in the rivers. I've also seen ospreys on their nests in a couple of local parks around me, always near a body of water.
I believe I've only ever seen one golden eagle, and that was in Utah.