I got these three tiny little seedling Adenium obesum guys from Kim about a year ago. They were barely two inches tall when I got them. I've had them a year, and they have grown like mad. They're now in 8 inch pots.
He suggested that it would be a couple years before blooming, they're already starting. One is in bloom now, and other has some buds on it. I"ve been really impressed and really pleased with how they have done. Kim definitely knows what he's doing.
Anyway, here's some pics of the Adens, plus a few of my carnivores. Enjoy
EDIT: I finally got the pictures to post, so if you don't want to look at them in my drive, you can see them on the last post at the bottom of this page.
(I'm having trouble uploading pics, but I'll get them up as soon as I figure out what's going on)
Okay, I can't get the pics to upload properly, so here's a link to them in my google drive:
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