too many houseplants
This is just a mini whining rant. I'm overwhelmed with too many houseplants. I'm sure it doesn't come close to stacking up to what many of you have, but I don't want this, too many for me. Parental unit was tossing some near-death houseplants last year, which I decided to use to learn about semi hydro, al's gritty mix, and propagation. The cuttings pretty soon turned into a couple dozen plants. They're all in need of repotting, those in semi-hydro are pushing out the hydroton which is now rolling around on the floor. They're not as bad as lego when you step on them, but still hurts. There's a bin of sifted turface in the garage waiting for me to make more 1-1-1 mix. I have a 10 day business trip coming up in september and no one to water the plants when I'm gone.
Neighbor told me to toss them - but I can't do that. She then suggested I leave them outside for someone to take.. but but.. gritty mix and hydroton, will casuals understand these things when they take the free plants?