So... since I have spare time while waiting to transplant my Coconut Project tree, I've been wanting to attempt growing sarracenia for years. There are lots of Jack in the Pulpit growing down by our tiny creek, but I've always wanted the native Northern Pitcher Plant by my pond. I planted a few Jack in the Pulpit many years back up by the house, and have a nice little colony here.
I recently found a place on Etsy that had rhizomes for a very decent price... a "grab bag" of assorted rhizomes, six for $25. They should arrive Friday. Exciting, right?!?
Been doing all my reading and homework. I bought a bag of Canadian sphagnum peat, and already have sand on hand...doing a 3:1 mix. I plan to bury them just below surface level, crown just above soil line (Sounds like planting a water lily.)
I was going to plant in a large pot with holes in the bottom and place at top of my pond biofall. It seemed perfect, as they'd have a constant water flow and stay moist. Was going to put them in the garage to overwinter.
Now I'm reading that pond water will have too many nitrates and will slowly cause death of the sarracenia. So rainwater or RO water. I guess when it says a "bog plant" that the bogs aren't adjacent to fish poop water. {{sigh}} So much for my idea of having them in a bog in my pond area. Now another place to haul RO or rain water to instead.
Any successful sarracenia growers who want to chime in with advice on WaterWitchin's latest and greatest project??