A weeping European beech - a tree for northeastern US gardens
I was visiting my other favorite online forum featuring enviable palms and orchids growing outdoors. I thought wouldn't it be interesting to post a photo of a tree in my garden in the northeast; a tree that doesn't struggle to grow in our cold winters and coolish maritime summers near Newport, RI. Newport has many very large specimens of the weeping European green variety that are likely over 120 yrs old. When you walk under a mature specimen in the summer it is like walking into a cool cave or grotto. I've had this tree for over 20 years and it actually fit in my small college car when I came home from college one summer. Fagus grandifolia pendula 'purple fountain'. When the leaves 1st emerge they are a translucent red, but then darken to rusty dark purple and the tree is opaque once leaves mature. I've noticed that these trees struggle to grow even down in MD and DC area, a horticulturist at the Smithsonian told me that the growing tips burn, tree struggles in the hot humid mid-Atlantic summers.
Last edited by piping plover; 01-28-2021 at 11:22 PM..
Reason: forgot something