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12-25-2020, 05:25 AM
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Things were complicated in 2020; like a lot of people I've had to give up on plans, nice positions and internships possibilities fell through, I've been parted with my partner for months.
Though I realise daily I haven't it as bad as people who will lose their company, whose life collapsed, or those who suffer(ed). So I'm grateful for being lucky.
I'm thankful to be able to live in a rich country, with public services. I get my mail, open the tap to get water, have electricity. When I have an issue I can call the police, when I need surgery I don't have to get a loan.
French people spend a lot of time complaining but don't realise how bad it can be in other countries, or even for the homeless.
I'm grateful for my girlfriend, who supports me unconditionally and somehow puts up with me.
I'm grateful for my parents and friends who do the same.
I'm grateful for people who took time to answer my questions, helped me when I needed, gave me a bit of time or something. I'm grateful for people who made me a better person than I was, and those who will help me become a better person than I am.
I'm grateful for those who choose to be smiling instead of frowning. A simple attitude can change the day of someone.
I'm grateful for those who try to make the world a better place, and those who work hard to create something that others can benefit from.
I'm actually grateful for a ton of things  I simply don't take things for granted, it makes it easier to appreciate life.
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12-29-2020, 05:41 PM
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Just found this thread and had a good think about things I'm grateful for, and then pared it down to just 3 as Dolly suggested. My choice would probably vary day to day, but today's are:
1. Toothpaste! The first thing I do every morning is take the top off the tube and have a good sniff. It's my daily Covid test! (I know it's not the be all and end all of tests but it's made me happy every morning for the last 6 months!
2. My dog. She and I love each other unconditionally. She has taken to sleeping on my bed (which I always said I would never allow) and I have to fight her for space each night. She has become my little shadow since I rescued her 3 or 4 years ago.
3. My mobile phone. For the camera and WhatsApp. I can share my life with my family and friends despite not being able to travel. Hardly make any calls as the reception is dreadful but the messages all get through eventually!
Thanks Dolly, for the inspiration!
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12-29-2020, 06:21 PM
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Glad you bumped this up!

12-29-2020, 07:16 PM
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Great stuff!
I have way too many dogs and they all want bed space. I now have a day bed at the foot of my king size bed. Pete is rather large
I respect the choices any loving pet owner makes but I think all dogs belong in bed!
Today I am grateful for the strength to undertake projects. I have made a pretty awesome park in my yard for my family and I realized today as I was hauling a huge load of pavers I am so blessed to have the physical ability (still) to be a field ox (I have lots of peasant heritage. I know they pulled plows) and the strength (stupidity, see ox) to do things I have neither the experience nor training to do
So thank for my roots and my god given gifts.
And always my fam (dogs included!)
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12-30-2020, 07:20 AM
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Grateful for my family, hubby of 46 years, my 90 year old Dad, my son, my daughter, her children who now are having children of their own. Third Great grandchild is due in July.
Our health and lifestyle, we haven't suffered during any lockdowns as we live simply and prefer to be at home anyway.
My dogs, love freely given and returned. Funny and always there, what more could anyone ask for!
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12-30-2020, 09:43 AM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
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I really needed to see this thread right now, when everything seems to be just more bad news it's easy to forget about the good things.
1) While I was heartbroken that couldn't travel to be with my family for 2 weeks around Christmas like I usually do, I'm grateful that my family was there for my grandma in her last days, and that they organized a beautiful funeral for her the day after Christmas.
2) I'm grateful that we live in a time where we have so much amazing technology (video calls, whatsapp) that lets us so easily 'be' with loved ones despite all the covid restrictions.
3) I'm grateful that I have so many nice hobbies (orchids, drawing, sewing, gardening) that have helped limit 2020's toll on my mental health, and it was actually nice to have more time for them.
Those are the 'big' things, and from here on out I'll try to find the silver lining in each day.
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
My Orchid Photos
Last edited by camille1585; 12-30-2020 at 09:45 AM..
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12-30-2020, 10:04 AM
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It is so important to stay balanced and grounded.
One of my favorite things about plants and nature in general, it is not subtle in its teachings or it’s imagery. I see something grow and I can’t help think of the future. I see roots and I cannot help but think of the past. Every seed is unlimited possibilities and every flower a chance to get new life.
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12-30-2020, 10:28 AM
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Today my gratitude extends to watching the constant circle of life develop. I've have grandkids with me for a couple of days since their regular sitter is closed for holidays. I have grandkids staying with me... need I say more?
Older grandson is now tall enough he's no longer at face or lower height from our four house dogs. And can run herd for his little sister. Those with big dogs will understand.
The kids practiced catch and release with a ton of baby frogs from the pond this fall. Released into my orchid space. Thank you, frogs, for staying put and allowing them to find you each time they come visit.
It's the big things AND the small things that make gratitude a constant companion.
---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ----------
PS My condolences on the loss of your grandma Camille. I'm glad she was able to have some loved ones nearby. That's been a rough one this year, for those who couldn't.
Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
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12-30-2020, 11:37 AM
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I have given everyone of my clients lately this gratitude challenge to do everyday as homework. Leaving the Divine out of the question ( although that's hard) secular studies show that people who have an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude do much better with their mental health. When we focus on everything that's wrong, like a hamster in a wheel, we just keep going around and around and seeing more bad things. I would love to keep this thread going.
This morning I am grateful that I had a terrible boss. Now that has prepared me for the wonderful boss I have.
I'm thankful for my computer guy, even though I'm a dummy he's always kind to me.
I'm thankful for the new laptop that my boss provided for me.
I'm thankful that I will have two new co-workers that I have not even met yet.
Camille, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother too and I know this year has not been kind to you. there's a lot of years that have not been kind to me. But those are the years that I grew the most, and look at now with joy. And I pray will be the same for you.
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12-31-2020, 09:13 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Originally Posted by WaterWitchin
Today my gratitude extends to watching the constant circle of life develop. I've have grandkids with me for a couple of days since their regular sitter is closed for holidays. I have grandkids staying with me... need I say more? ...
Today I am most thankful to turn the grandkids back home.  Love 'em. Don't have the stamina for a long haul, and surely do admire grandparents who have no choice but to raise their grandkids. Many kudos to them.
When I was a baby and until I turned six, my paternal grandma pretty much was raising me, followed by my maternal grandma until I was probably nine. I didn't have gratitude for it at the time, but as an adult I know they went above and beyond the role grandparents should have to play. Beyond gratitude for both of them.
My 80# Standard brought me a little rabbit last night. Still alive, fairly licked to death but warm. Pretty sure he thought he was babysitting. I thanked him, we discussed leaving them in their natural habitat, but of course I was grateful and touched by his tender care. 
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