Originally Posted by My Green Pets
I have been looking at Jupiter and Saturn every night for several months now. I had no idea the Milky Way was right behind them!!! Thank you!!
Beautiful, aren't they! Jupiter and Saturn are still well-positioned in the southern part of the sky for most of us in the US or similar latitudes. They can be picked out right after dusk and can be seen until late at night. Mars rises a little later, but if you're outside at the right time, you will see all three of them in the sky. And if you're out sometime around 5 a.m. to dawn, that extremely bright "star" in the east is Venus. Uranus and Neptune can also be seen, but only with the aid of a telescope. The other four are easy to see, even in light-polluted skies (except for maybe Saturn).
Aside from orchids, astronomy is one of my hobbies. I guess I just love natural things, be they earth-bound or out there in our amazing universe.
WaterWitchin, I, too, am inspired by Bayard's photo to go camping in Maine! It's been much too long. We went there for our honeymoon, and I won't say how long ago that was.