Garden season has finally properly started in my corner of the world and I'm giving Cherokee Purple tomatoes another go this year. My first attempt 2 years ago didn't go very well and I think the variety is not suited to the generally short, cool and wet Dutch summers. I planted 2 this year to see if goes any better this time around!
Along with my 2 standard varieties (Saint Pierre and Purple Krim), I'm trying some currant tomatoes for the first time. I have one in the garden with the rest, and one in a pot on the balcony to see how it does in both environments.
The rest of the garden is doing really well, even though march and april were so absurdly rainy and cool that the early season crops didn't grow well.
Lettuce in a new raised bed I built over the winter. The ground in this part is poor and nothing would grow.
This is a general view of the lower 2/3rds of the garden. I have sweet peas+spinach, potatoes behind them, and then spinach, beets, carrots,onion, radish behind that. Tomatoes are on the right in the pseudo greenhouse thingy. In this damp climate they need to be protected from rain, but need air circulation.
Rhubarb plant is a monster this year with all the rain.The stems are so thick that I only need 2-3 to make a pie!
Not much happening in the upper third yet. Just got the squash and corn planted, and beans will follow soon. Along the fence there's more potatoes.