Interesting plant features/behaviours - eg. mulberry
Anybody seen interesting plant features/behaviours?
I'm sure there are heaps - such as the way that some catasetum type plants eject seeds; and sensitive plants (other thread) close their leaves when you touch their leaves ----- including venus flytrap of course.
One interesting thing I've seen and got surprised about is ---- mulberry tree cuttings.
There are mulberry trees growing in a nearby public park and I decided to just break some little branches off for 'cuttings'. The leaves of the 'cuttings' were big leaves. Quite large leaves - like size of my hands . I didn't remove any of the leaves of the cuttings. I just popped these cuttings into moist soil.
And what surprised me a lot is that these cuttings just continued to grow. None of the leaves fell off. Big leaves too. The cutting just continued growing as if nothing happened hahaha. Quite impressive.
This was more than a year ago. And even getting some mulberries now (not a lot - just a few - since still juvenile, but better than none!).